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[[Category:Estonian DSS]]
{{DSS, Wiki quality control
[[Category:Decision support system]]
|Has flag=N/A
[[Category:Web application]]
{{DSS, Name, responsible organisation and contact person
|Has full name=Forest Modelling Information System
== General System description ==
|Has acronym=ForMIS
|Has wiki contact person=Allan Sims
|Has wiki contact e-mail=allan.sims@emu.ee
=== Brief overview ===
{{DSS, Software identification
ForMIS is web-based information system, combining empirical data and existing knowledge of forest development, enhances the use of forestry metadata and forest models manipulation and verification/validation procedures.
|Has software=ForMIS.Software
{{DSS, Description
|Has description=Forest Modelling Information System
=== Scope of the system ===
|Has modelling scope=user defined
|Has temporal scale=Long term (strategic)
=== System origin ===
|Has spatial context=Non spatial
|Has spatial scale=Regional/national level
=== Support for specific issues  ===
|Has objectives dimension=Multiple objectives
|Has goods and services dimension=Market wood products
=== Support for specific thematic areas of a problem type  ===
|Has decision making dimension=More than one decision maker/stakeholder
|Has forest management goal=user defined
=== Capability to support decision making phases  ===
|Supports tree species=Not restricted
|Supports silvicultural regime=even-aged, uneven-aged/natural regeneration, uneven-aged/plantation
=== Related systems  ===
{{DSS, Concrete application
== Data and data models ==
|Has typical use case=forest modelling and sample plots management
|Has user profile=commons
=== Typical spatial extent of application  ===
|Has number of users=<=100
|Has number of real-life applications=<=30
=== Forest data input  ===
|Has utilisation in education=used by students
|Has tool dissemination=none
=== Type of information input from user (via GUI) ===
{{DSS, Decision support techniques used in the DSS
== Models ==
|Has decision support techniques=ForMIS.Decision support techniques
=== Forest models ===
{{DSS, Support of Knowledge Management
|Has knowledge management processes=ForMIS.Knowledge management process
== Decision Support ==
{{DSS, Support of social participation
=== Definition of management interventions ===
|Has support for social participation=ForMIS.Support of social participation
=== Typical temporal scale of application ===
{{DSS, DSS development
|Has DSS development=ForMIS.Description of DSS development
=== Types of decisions supported  ===
{{DSS, Documentation
=== Decision-making processes and models ===
|Has website=http://formis.emu.ee/
|Has manual=No
== Output ==
|Has technical documentation=No
=== Types of outputs ===
=== Spatial analysis capabilities  ===
=== Abilities to address interdisciplinary, multi-scaled, and political issues  ===
== System ==
=== System requirements  ===
=== Architecture and major DSS components ===
=== Usage ===
=== Computational limitations ===
=== User interface ===
=== Documentation and support ===
===Cited references===
===External resources===

Latest revision as of 18:24, 25 April 2013

Wiki quality control

Has flag N/A

Name, responsible organisation and contact person

Has full name Forest Modelling Information System
Has acronym ForMIS
Has wiki contact person Allan Sims
Has wiki contact e-mail allan.sims@emu.ee

Software identification

Has software ForMIS.Software


Has description Forest Modelling Information System
Has modelling scope user defined
Has temporal scale Long term (strategic)
Has spatial context Non spatial
Has spatial scale Regional/national level
Has objectives dimension Multiple objectives
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension Market wood products
Has decision making dimension More than one decision maker/stakeholder
Has forest management goal user defined
Supports tree species Not restricted
Supports silvicultural regime even-aged, uneven-aged/natural regeneration, uneven-aged/plantation

Concrete application

Has typical use case forest modelling and sample plots management
Has user profile commons
Has country
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users <=100
Has number of real-life applications <=30
Has utilisation in education used by students
Has research project reference
Has tool dissemination none

Decision support techniques used in the DSS

Has decision support techniques ForMIS.Decision support techniques

Support of Knowledge Management

Has knowledge management processes ForMIS.Knowledge management process

Support of social participation

Has support for social participation ForMIS.Support of social participation

DSS development

Has DSS development ForMIS.Description of DSS development


Has website http://formis.emu.ee/
Has online demo
Has manual No
Has technical documentation No
Has reference