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{{DSS description, Name, responsible organisation and contact person
{{DSS, Wiki quality control
|Name=EFIMOD-Discrete Lattice Ecosystem Simulator
|Has flag=N/A
|Type of the owner organization=research institution
|Institutional framework=research prototype (R&D project)
|Contact person for the Wiki=Alexander Komarov
|Contact e-mail for the Wiki=as_komarov@rambler.ru
|Contact person for the DSS=Alexander Komarov
|Contact e-mail for the DSS=as_komarov@rambler.ru
{{DSS description, Scope of the tool
{{DSS, Name, responsible organisation and contact person
|Description=EFIMOD is a tool to forecast carbon and nitrogen flows in forest ecosystems with strong feedback mechanism between soil and stand. It allows for description and spatial analysis of mixed stand dynamics in boreal and temperate forests at different management and external impacts.
|Has full name=EFIMOD-Discrete Lattice Ecosystem Simulator
|Modelling dimension=Economical indicators, Forest indicators, user defined
|Has acronym=EFIMOD
|Temporal scale=long term (strategic), medium term (tactical)
|Has wiki contact person= Alexander Komarov
|Spatial context=spatial with no neighbourhood interrelations
|Has wiki contact e-mail=as_komarov@rambler.ru
|Spatial scale=forest level, stand level
|Objectives dimension=multiple objectives
|Goods and services dimension=market wood products, non-market services
|Forest management goal=afforestation management, biodiversity evaluation, biomass estimation, carbon sequestration, climate change impact, conservation, fertilization, fire behaviour, forest ecology, forest fuel harvesting, forest inventory, forest transformation, forest vegetation management, natural hazards, nitrate leaching, nutrient balance, silvicultural regime, yield prediction, wood supply planning, multi-functional
|Supported tree species=Spruce, Pine, Birch, Aspen, Lime, Oak; other species can be included after additional parameterization
|Supported silvicultural regime=user defined
|Decision making dimension=single decision maker
{{DSS description, Concrete application
{{DSS, Software identification
|Typical use case=assessment of carbon sequestration, soil dynamics and wood production under different regimes of forest management, climate change and natural disturbances
|Has software=EFIMOD.Software
|User profile=Non-industrial private owners, forest owners associations, national forest administration, NGO, local administration
|Number of users=<=30
|Number of real-life applications=<=30
|Utilisation in education: kind of utilisation (demo, use)=presentation/demo
|Tool dissemination=training available on request
{{DSS description, Installation and support
{{DSS, Description
|Status=used (under upgrade)
|Has description=EFIMOD is a tool to forecast carbon and nitrogen flows in forest ecosystems with strong feedback mechanism between soil and stand. It allows for description and spatial analysis of mixed stand dynamics in boreal and temperate forests at different management and external impacts.
|Accessibility=restricted access
|Has modelling scope=Economical indicators, Forest indicators, user defined
|Commercial product=No
|Has temporal scale=Long term (strategic), Medium term (tactical)
|Deployment cost=N/A
|Has spatial context=Spatial with no neighbourhood interrelations
|Installation requirements=Windows 98 or higher; MDAC 2.5
|Has spatial scale=Forest level, Stand level
|Computational limitations=none
|Has objectives dimension=Multiple objectives
|User support organization=Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science RAS, Institute of Mathematical Problems in Biology RAS
|Has goods and services dimension=Market wood products, Non-market services
|Support team size=5
|Has decision making dimension=Single decision maker
|Maintenance organization=Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science RAS, Institute of Mathematical Problems in Biology RAS
|Has forest management goal=afforestation management, biodiversity evaluation, biomass estimation, carbon sequestration, climate change impact, conservation, fertilization, fire behaviour, forest ecology, forest fuel harvesting, forest transformation, forest vegetation management, natural hazards, nitrate leaching, nutrient balance, silvicultural regime, yield prediction, wood supply planning, multi-functional
|Supports tree species=Spruce, Pine, Birch, Aspen, Lime, Oak; other species can be included after additional parameterization
|Supports silvicultural regime=user defined
{{DSS description, Data, data model and data management
{{DSS, Concrete application
|Input data requirements=Climate data, Forest inventory data, Ecological data, user defined
|Has typical use case=assessment of carbon sequestration, soil dynamics and wood production under different regimes of forest management, climate change and natural disturbances
|Format of the input data=text file, database, spreadsheet
|Has user profile=Non-industrial private owners, forest owners associations, national forest administration, NGO, local administration
|Data validation=missing/wrong data, logging facilities
|Has country=Russia
|Format of the output data=text file, table, map, 3d-visualization
|Has number of users=<=30
|Internal data management=database, memory only
|Has number of real-life applications=<=30
|Has utilisation in education=presentation/demo
|GIS integration=other
|Has tool dissemination=training available on request
|Data mining=N/A
|Spatial analysis=Outputs can be transferred to CommonGIS for spatial analysis
{{DSS description, Models and methods, MBMS, decision support techniques
{{DSS, Decision support techniques used in the DSS
|Forest models=growth models, yield models
|Has decision support techniques=EFIMOD.Decision support techniques
|Ecological models=biodiversity
|Social models=N/A
|MCDM methods=N/A
|Optimisation package=N/A
|Optimisation algorithm=N/A
|Risk evaluation=N/A
|Uncertainty evaluation=frequentist statistics, Monte Carlo simulation
|Planning scenario=comparative analysis of multiple alternative management strategies
{{DSS description, Support of knowledge management process
{{DSS, Support of Knowledge Management
|Supported KM processes=N/A
|Has knowledge management processes=EFIMOD.Knowledge management process
|Integrated KM techniques to identify and structure knowledge=
|Integrated KM techniques to analyse and apply knowledge=
{{DSS description, Support of social participation
{{DSS, Support of social participation
|Participatory planning tasks supported=exploring options, evaluating options
|Has support for social participation=EFIMOD.Support of social participation
|Stakeholder identification support=
|Planning criteria formation support=
|Planning process monitoring and evaluation=
|Planning outcome monitoring and evaluation=
{{DSS description, User interface and outputs
{{DSS, DSS development
|User access control=No
|Has DSS development=EFIMOD.Description of DSS development
|Parameterised GUI=Yes
|Map interface=2D, 3D
|GUI technology=other
{{DSS description, System design and development
{{DSS, Documentation
|Software development methodology=coming soon...
|Has website=http://ecomodelling.ru/index.php/en/models/
|Development start year=1996
|Has manual=No
|Number of development years (100% equivalent)=75
|Has technical documentation=Yes
|Development team size=15
|Has reference=Chertov et al., 1997; Chertov et al., 2001; Komarov et al., 2003; Khanina et al., 2007; Shanin et al., 2011
|Team profiles=coming soon...
|Number of forest specialists in the development team=2
|Number of users participating in specification=3
{{DSS description, Technological architecture, integration with other systems
|System type=stand-alone GUI, stand-alone command line
|Application architecture=modular-based
|Communication architecture=COM Interfaces
|Operating system=Windows
|Programming language=other
|Integration with other systems=no
|Related tools=CommonGIS
{{DSS description, Ongoing development
|Adaptation effort (man years)=plug in
{{DSS description, Documentation
|Technical documentation=Yes
|References=Chertov et al., 1997; Chertov et al., 2001; Komarov et al., 2003; Khanina et al., 2007; Shanin et al., 2011
[[File:DSS_flowchart.jpg|400px|thumb|Flowchart of EFIMOD-DLES]]
[[Image:EFIMOD_GUI.jpg|300px|thumb|EFIMOD user interface]]
[[Category:Decision support system]]
[[Category:Russian DSS]]
[[Category:3D visualization]]
[[Category:Biodiversity evaluation]]
[[Category:Carbon sequestration]]
[[Category:Climate change impact prediction]]
[[Category:Forest and ecosystem models]]
[[Category:Forest ecology]]
[[Category:Nutrient balance]]
[[Category:Scenario analysis]]
[[Category:Regional level]]
[[Category:Soil dynamics]]
[[Category:Nitrogen deposition]]
= ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (needs to be migrated using the "edit with form" link) =
= ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (needs to be migrated using the "edit with form" link) =
=== Scope of the system ===
=== Scope of the system ===

Latest revision as of 16:42, 2 April 2013

Wiki quality control

Has flag N/A

Name, responsible organisation and contact person

Has full name EFIMOD-Discrete Lattice Ecosystem Simulator
Has acronym EFIMOD
Has wiki contact person Alexander Komarov
Has wiki contact e-mail as_komarov@rambler.ru

Software identification

Has software EFIMOD.Software


Has description EFIMOD is a tool to forecast carbon and nitrogen flows in forest ecosystems with strong feedback mechanism between soil and stand. It allows for description and spatial analysis of mixed stand dynamics in boreal and temperate forests at different management and external impacts.
Has modelling scope Economical indicators, Forest indicators, user defined
Has temporal scale Long term (strategic), Medium term (tactical)
Has spatial context Spatial with no neighbourhood interrelations
Has spatial scale Forest level, Stand level
Has objectives dimension Multiple objectives
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension Market wood products, Non-market services
Has decision making dimension Single decision maker
Has forest management goal afforestation management, biodiversity evaluation, biomass estimation, carbon sequestration, climate change impact, conservation, fertilization, fire behaviour, forest ecology, forest fuel harvesting, forest transformation, forest vegetation management, natural hazards, nitrate leaching, nutrient balance, silvicultural regime, yield prediction, wood supply planning, multi-functional
Supports tree species Spruce, Pine, Birch, Aspen, Lime, Oak; other species can be included after additional parameterization
Supports silvicultural regime user defined

Concrete application

Has typical use case assessment of carbon sequestration, soil dynamics and wood production under different regimes of forest management, climate change and natural disturbances
Has user profile Non-industrial private owners, forest owners associations, national forest administration, NGO, local administration
Has country Russia
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users <=30
Has number of real-life applications <=30
Has utilisation in education presentation/demo
Has research project reference
Has tool dissemination training available on request

Decision support techniques used in the DSS

Has decision support techniques EFIMOD.Decision support techniques

Support of Knowledge Management

Has knowledge management processes EFIMOD.Knowledge management process

Support of social participation

Has support for social participation EFIMOD.Support of social participation

DSS development

Has DSS development EFIMOD.Description of DSS development


Has website http://ecomodelling.ru/index.php/en/models/
Has online demo
Has manual No
Has technical documentation Yes
Has reference Chertov et al., 1997; Chertov et al., 2001; Komarov et al., 2003; Khanina et al., 2007; Shanin et al., 2011

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (needs to be migrated using the "edit with form" link)

Scope of the system

The tool provides information to assess forest/soil natural development, forest/land-use management, and different scenarios of external impacts.

System origin

It was developed by a researchers’ team in the Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science (Pushchino, Russia) and Biological Institute of Sankt-Petersburg State University with support of European Forest Institute (Joensuu, Finland) and Joensuu University (Joensuu, Finland). First prototype was implemented in 1996 being not a commercial product and based on earlier models by O.Chertov. The tool has been applied in Russia, Finland, Sweden, Canada, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, and in several international projects (three projects in INTAS EU Program, FP5 EU-Programme Project CT98-4124 “Relationships Between Recent Changes of Growth and Nutrition of Norway Spruce, Scots Pine, and European Beech Forests in Europe (RECOGNITION)”, FP6 EU Programme INCO - 013388 “Impacts and risks from anthrpogenic disturbances on soils, carbon dynamics and vegetation in podzolic ecosystems (OMRISK)” and other projects. It has been implemented also for several applications in frame of the National Program of Russian Academy of Sciences “Change of Environment and Climate”.

Application of EFIMOD

Support for specific issues

The system is designed to take into account timber harvest effects, dynamics of ecosystem and forest understorey biodiversivity, climate change effects, landscape analysis methods, nitrogen deposition effects, and fires.

Support for specific thematic areas of a problem type

  • Silvicultural
  • Conservation
  • Restoration
  • Development choices / land use zoning
  • Sustainability impact assessment (SIA)

Capability to support decision making phases

In current version, the GUI helps the user to compare dynamics of ecosystem parameters (e.g. growing stock, stand and soil carbon and nitrogen pools, biodiversity ranks etc.) at different scenarios of forest management and other external impacts.

Related systems


Data and data models

Typical spatial extent of application

The application can be used on regional, forest-enterprise, and forest stand scale.

Forest data input

The system uses stand-level inputs from forest inventory database, the pools of soil organic matter and nitrogen in different soil layers, and climatic and hydrological data. Detailed list of input parameters you may find at EFIMOD-DLES webpage.

Type of information input from user (via GUI)

User may define the scenario of forest ecosystem development via specifying various management options, such as different types of cuttings, plantings etc.; external impacts, such as fires, climate change, different levels of nitrogen deposition. For biodiversity assessment, regional phytosociological data is required.


Forest model

Flowchart of EFIMOD model

The modelling tool of forest ecosystem EFIMOD [1][2][3] is an individual-based spatially explicit simulator of tree-soil system that calculates parameters of carbon balance and standard forest inventory characteristics: NPP, Rh, soil available nitrogen, tree and stand biomass by tree compartments, soil organic matter (SOM) and N pools, stand density, height, DBH, growing stock and some other parameters. It includes soil model ROMUL as an important component[4] that is driven by soil water, temperature and SOM parameters. The statistical generator of soil climate SCLISS was compiled to run ROMUL. The EFIMOD allows for a calculation the effect of silvicultural operations and forest fires. Now it is linked with a system of plant biodiversity assessment BioCalc.

Soil model

Flowchart of ROMUL model

The ROMUL model[5][6] of soil organic matter (SOM) and nitrogen mineralisation and humification calculates the transformation of litter and SOM compartments, the gross carbon dioxide flow from the soil due to SOM mineralisation and the nitrogen available for plant growth. The rate of litter and SOM mineralisation and humification is dependent on the litter quality, soil temperature and moisture, and on some soil parameters. The model validation and sensitivity analyses had been performed using a set of published laboratory and field experiments[7][8][9].

Climate model

A soil climate generator SCLISS[10] is used in the model for two purposes: (1) as a method of evaluation of soil temperature and moisture using measured standard meteorological long-term data; (2) statistical simulation (generation) of realisations of long-term series of necessary input climate data with known statistical properties. The model uses monthly average data on air, litter and soil temperature, precipitation, litter and mineral soil moisture.

Model of biodiversity

A model BioCalc (BIOdiversity CALCulator) forecasts dynamics of ecosystem and species understorey diversity of each forest unit along the EFIMOD simulation outputs on a base of standard forest inventory data linked with the results of detailed phytosociological research [11].

More detailed description of models you may find at EFIMOD-DLES webpage.

Decision Support

Definition of management interventions

The manager can intervene in the forest: time of harvest, plantations, thinnings, selective cuttings, natural regeneration, converting of forest into agricultural lands and back.

Typical temporal scale of application

The system allows for short-term prognosis (e.g. rotation period) and long-term prognosis (e.g. several generations of tree species) with annual temporal resolution.

Types of decisions supported

  • Management level
    • strategic decisions
    • operating control decisions
  • planning decisions
    • organizing decisions
    • coordination decisions

Decision-making processes and models

  • Logic modeling
  • Heuristic manipulation of simulation models
  • Simulation (with and without stochasticity)


CommonGIS user interface

Types of outputs

Results are reported as tables, maps, graphs, stand-level 3-D visualizations.

Spatial analysis capabilities

The system is linked to CommonGIS.

Abilities to address interdisciplinary, multi-scaled, and political issues

The system produces coordinated results for decision makers operating at different spatial scales, facilitates social negotiation and learning.


System requirements

  • Hardware requirements: 1GHz x86 CPU, 256Mb RAM, 50Mb disk space.
  • Operating Systems: Windows 98/2K/XP/Vista.
  • Other software needed: the user does not need to acquire additional software.
  • Development status: completed.

Architecture and major DSS components

The system is a set of desktop Win32-applications.


Research and regional administration level.

Computational limitations

Run time is impacted by the number of management units.

User interface

The system has a standard Windows GUI. Use of the system requires basic forestry and soil science background.

Documentation and support

English version of user manual is now in progress.


The system is completely portable: no special installation is required.


Cited references

  1. Chertov, O.G. Komarov, A.S., Tsiplianovsky, A.V. 1999. A combined simulation model of Scots pine, Norway spruce and Silver birch ecosystems in European boreal zone. Forest Ecology and Management 116: 189-206.
  2. Komarov, A., Chertov, O., Zudin, S., Nadporozhskaya, M., Mikhailov, A., Bykhovets, S., Zudina, E., Zoubkova. 2003. EFIMOD 2 - - A model of growth and elements cycling in boreal forest ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 170 (2-3): 373-392.
  3. Komarov, A.S., Chertov, O.G., Mikhailov, and Autors’ Collective (14 names). 2007. Modelling Dynamics of Organic Matter in Forest Ecosystems [Responsible editor V.N. Kudeyarov]. Nauka, Moscow. 380 p. In Russian with English contents. ISBN 5-02-034053-7.
  4. Chertov, O.G. Komarov, A.S., Nadporozhskaya, M.A., Bykhovets, S.A., Zudin, S.L. 2001. ROMUL – a model of forest soil organic matter dynamics as a substantial tool for forest ecosystem modelling. Ecological Modelling 138 (1-3): 289-308.
  5. Chertov O.G., Komarov A.S. 1997. SOMM -- a model of soil organic matter dynamics. Ecological Modelling 94(2-3): 177-189.
  6. Chertov, O.G. Komarov, A.S., Nadporozhskaya, M.A., Bykhovets, S.A., Zudin, S.L. 2001. ROMUL – a model of forest soil organic matter dynamics as a substantial tool for forest ecosystem modelling. Ecological Modelling 138 (1-3): 289-308.
  7. Chertov O.G., Komarov A.S. 1997. SOMM -- a model of soil organic matter dynamics. Ecological Modelling 94(2-3): 177-189.
  8. Chertov, O.G. Komarov, A.S., Nadporozhskaya, M.A., Bykhovets, S.A., Zudin, S.L. 2001. ROMUL – a model of forest soil organic matter dynamics as a substantial tool for forest ecosystem modelling. Ecological Modelling 138 (1-3): 289-308.
  9. Komarov, A.S., Chertov, O.G., Mikhailov, and Autors’ Collective (14 names). 2007. Modelling Dynamics of Organic Matter in Forest Ecosystems [Responsible editor V.N. Kudeyarov]. Nauka, Moscow. 380 p. In Russian with English contents. ISBN 5-02-034053-7.
  10. Chertov, O.G. Komarov, A.S., Nadporozhskaya, M.A., Bykhovets, S.A., Zudin, S.L. 2001. ROMUL – a model of forest soil organic matter dynamics as a substantial tool for forest ecosystem modelling. Ecological Modelling 138 (1-3): 289-308.
  11. Khanina, L., Bobrovsky, M., Komarov, A., Mikhajlov, A., 2007. Modelling dynamics of forest ground vegetation diversity under different forest management regimes. For. Ecol. Manage. 248: 80-94

External resources