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{{DSS description, Name, responsible organisation and contact person
{{DSS, Wiki quality control
|Has flag=N/A
|Responsible organisation=NeuroForesy
|Type of the owner organization=non-profit organisation
|Institutional framework=open source product
|Contact person for the Wiki=Daniel Binoti
|Contact e-mail for the Wiki=danielhbbinoti@gmail.com
|Contact person for the DSS=Daniel Binoti
|Contact e-mail for the DSS=danielhbbinoti@gmail.com
{{DSS description, Scope of the tool
{{DSS, Name, responsible organisation and contact person
|Description=RPF system is completely configurable, and it allows generation of forest management alternatives that can be set by the user. The DSS has the main objective of showing detaily the whole process of the mathematics process involved. It also allows the generation of Linear Programming models and Mixed Integer Programming models.
|Has full name=RPF
|Modelling dimension=Economical indicators
|Has acronym=RPF
|Temporal scale=long term (strategic)
|Has wiki contact person=Daniel Binoti
|Spatial context=spatial with neighbourhood interrelations
|Has wiki contact e-mail=danielhbbinoti@gmail.com
|Spatial scale=forest level, stand level
|Objectives dimension=multiple objectives
|Goods and services dimension=market wood products
|Forest management goal=user defined
|Supported tree species=User defined
|Supported silvicultural regime=user defined
|Decision making dimension=more than one decision maker/stakeholder
|Participatory planning tasks supported=defining the problem
{{DSS description, Concrete application
{{DSS, Software identification
|Typical use case=Forest regulation
|Has software=RPF.Software
|User profile=other
|Number of users=>100
|Number of real-life applications=>100
|Utilisation in education: kind of utilisation (demo, use)=used by students
|Tool dissemination=Web
{{DSS description, Installation and support
{{DSS, Description
|Status=used (stable and upgraded/updated recently)
|Has description=RPF system is completely configurable, and it allows generation of forest management alternatives that can be set by the user. The DSS has the main objective of showing detaily the whole process of the mathematics process involved. It also allows the generation of Linear Programming models and Mixed Integer Programming models.
|Accessibility=open source/public access
|Has modelling scope=Economical indicators
|Commercial product=No
|Has temporal scale=Long term (strategic)
|Deployment cost=N/A
|Has spatial context=Spatial with neighbourhood interrelations
|Installation requirements=Java 07
|Has spatial scale=Forest level, Stand level
|User support organization=NeuroForest
|Has objectives dimension=Multiple objectives
|Support team size=100
|Has goods and services dimension=Market wood products
|Maintenance organization=NeuroForest
|Has decision making dimension=More than one decision maker/stakeholder
|Has forest management goal=user defined
|Supports tree species=user defined
|Supports silvicultural regime=user defined
{{DSS description, Data, data model and data management
{{DSS, Concrete application
|Input data requirements=user defined
|Has typical use case=forest regulation
|Format of the input data=text file
|Has country=Brazil
|Data validation=N/A
|Has number of users=>100
|Format of the output data=table
|Has number of real-life applications=>100
|Internal data management=memory only
|Has utilisation in education=used by students
|Has tool dissemination=web
|GIS integration=other
|Data mining=artificial neural networks
|Spatial analysis=Yes
{{DSS description, Models and methods, MBMS, decision support techniques
{{DSS, Decision support techniques used in the DSS
|Forest models=yield models
|Has decision support techniques=RPF.Decision support techniques
|Ecological models=habitat suitability
|Social models=monetary values of non-market products and services
|MCDM methods=Multi-objective programming (MOP)
|Optimisation package=other
|Optimisation algorithm=mixed integer programming
|Risk evaluation=user defined
|Uncertainty evaluation=sensivity analysis
|Planning scenario=User defined
{{DSS description, Support of knowledge management process
{{DSS, Support of Knowledge Management
|Supported KM processes=Knowledge Identification
|Has knowledge management processes=RPF.Knowledge management process
|Integrated KM techniques to identify and structure knowledge=Database
|Integrated KM techniques to transfer and share knowledge=Community of Practice (e.g. Wiki / Discussion Forum / Social Network)
|Integrated KM techniques to analyse and apply knowledge=Artificial Intelligence
{{DSS description, Support of social participation
{{DSS, Support of social participation
|Participatory planning tasks supported=defining the problem, exploring options, monitoring and evaluating the process, monitoring and evaluating the outcome
|Has support for social participation=RPF.Support of social participation
|Stakeholder identification support=yes
|Planning criteria formation support=yes
|Planning process monitoring and evaluation=yes
|Planning outcome monitoring and evaluation=yes
{{DSS description, User interface and outputs
{{DSS, DSS development
|User access control=Yes
|Has DSS development=RPF.Description of DSS development
|Parameterised GUI=Yes
|User-friendliness of GUI=consistency
|Map interface=2D
|GUI technology=Java Swing
{{DSS description, System design and development
{{DSS, Documentation
|KM tools used during the development of the DSS=Best Practices
|Has website=http://neuroforest.ucoz.com/index/rpf/0-8
|Has online demo=http://neuroforest.ucoz.com/index/rpf/0-8
{{DSS description, Technological architecture, integration with other systems
|Has technical documentation=Yes
|System type=stand-alone GUI
|Operating system=Linux/Unix, Windows, OS X
|Programming language=Java
|Integration with other systems=NeuroForest, OtimToras, FitFD, Excel, Access
{{DSS description, Ongoing development
|Adaptation effort (man years)=parametrised by the user
{{DSS description, Documentation
|Online demo=http://neuroforest.ucoz.com/index/rpf/0-8
|Technical documentation=Yes

Latest revision as of 17:05, 3 April 2013

Wiki quality control

Has flag N/A

Name, responsible organisation and contact person

Has full name RPF
Has acronym RPF
Has wiki contact person Daniel Binoti
Has wiki contact e-mail danielhbbinoti@gmail.com

Software identification

Has software RPF.Software


Has description RPF system is completely configurable, and it allows generation of forest management alternatives that can be set by the user. The DSS has the main objective of showing detaily the whole process of the mathematics process involved. It also allows the generation of Linear Programming models and Mixed Integer Programming models.
Has modelling scope Economical indicators
Has temporal scale Long term (strategic)
Has spatial context Spatial with neighbourhood interrelations
Has spatial scale Forest level, Stand level
Has objectives dimension Multiple objectives
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension Market wood products
Has decision making dimension More than one decision maker/stakeholder
Has forest management goal user defined
Supports tree species user defined
Supports silvicultural regime user defined

Concrete application

Has typical use case forest regulation
Has user profile
Has country Brazil
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users >100
Has number of real-life applications >100
Has utilisation in education used by students
Has research project reference
Has tool dissemination web

Decision support techniques used in the DSS

Has decision support techniques RPF.Decision support techniques

Support of Knowledge Management

Has knowledge management processes RPF.Knowledge management process

Support of social participation

Has support for social participation RPF.Support of social participation

DSS development

Has DSS development RPF.Description of DSS development


Has website http://neuroforest.ucoz.com/index/rpf/0-8
Has online demo http://neuroforest.ucoz.com/index/rpf/0-8
Has manual
Has technical documentation Yes
Has reference