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From COST Action FP0804: FORSYS
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{{DSS description, Name, responsible organisation and contact person
{{DSS, Wiki quality control
|Has flag=N/A
|Responsible organisation=Simosol Oy
|Type of the owner organization=IT company
|Institutional framework=open source product
|Contact person for the Wiki=Jussi Rasinmäki
|Contact e-mail for the Wiki=jussi.rasinmaki at simosol.fi
|Contact person for the DSS=Jussi Rasinmäki
|Contact e-mail for the DSS=jussi.rasinmaki at simosol.fi
{{DSS description, Scope of the tool
{{DSS, Name, responsible organisation and contact person
|Description=SIMO has been designed so that it could be adapted to various planning proglems and scales. The flexible data model allows the computing units to be basically anything; a tree, a stand, a raster cell
|Has full name=SIMO
|Modelling dimension=Economical indicators, Forest indicators, user defined
|Has acronym=SIMO
|Temporal scale=long term (strategic), medium term (tactical)
|Has wiki contact person=jussi.rasinmaki@simosol.fi
|Spatial context=spatial with neighbourhood interrelations, spatial with no neighbourhood interrelations, non spatial
|Has wiki contact e-mail=jussi.rasinmaki@simosol.fi
|Spatial scale=regional/national level, forest level
|Objectives dimension=multiple objectives
|Goods and services dimension=market wood products
|Forest management goal=biomass estimation, carbon sequestration, economic evaluation, forest fuel harvesting, silvicultural regime, yield prediction, wood supply planning, user defined
|Supported tree species=any
|Supported silvicultural regime=even-aged, uneven-aged/natural regeneration, uneven-aged/plantation, coppice system, agroforestry, user defined
|Decision making dimension=single decision maker
|Participatory planning tasks supported=N/A
{{DSS description, Concrete application
{{DSS, Software identification
|Number of users=N/A
|Has software=SIMO.Software
|Number of real-life applications=N/A
|Utilisation in education: kind of utilisation (demo, use)=used by students
{{DSS description, Installation and support
{{DSS, Description
|Has description=SIMO has been designed so that it could be adapted to various planning proglems and scales. The flexible data model allows the computing units to be basically anything; a tree, a stand, a raster cell
|Accessibility=open source/public access
|Has modelling scope=Economical indicators, Forest indicators, user defined
|Commercial product=No
|Has temporal scale=Long term (strategic), Medium term (tactical)
|Deployment cost=N/A
|Has spatial context=Non spatial, Spatial with neighbourhood interrelations, Spatial with no neighbourhood interrelations
|Has spatial scale=Forest level, Regional/national level, Stand level
|Has objectives dimension=Multiple objectives
|Has goods and services dimension=Market wood products
|Has decision making dimension=Single decision maker
|Has forest management goal=biomass estimation, carbon sequestration, climate change impact, economic evaluation, fertilization
|Supports tree species=Any
|Supports silvicultural regime=even-aged, uneven-aged/natural regeneration, uneven-aged/plantation, user defined
{{DSS description, Data, data model and data management
{{DSS, Concrete application
|Input data requirements=Forest inventory data
|Has user profile=Non-industrial private owners, forest owners associations, national forest administration, local administration, IT company
|Format of the input data=text file, XML, database, net services
|Has country=Finland
|Data validation=missing/wrong data, error handling, logging facilities
|Has number of users=<=30
|Format of the output data=text file, XML, graph, pre-defined report, pre-programmed summaries
|Has number of real-life applications=<=30
|Internal data management=database, memory only
|Has utilisation in education=used by students
|Database=SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle
|GIS integration=N/A
|Data mining=N/A, test - to be deleted
{{DSS description, Models and methods, MBMS, decision support techniques
{{DSS, Decision support techniques used in the DSS
|Forest models=growth models, yield models
|Has decision support techniques=SIMO.Decision support techniques
|MCDM methods=N/A
|Has knowledge management processes=SIMO.Knowledge management process
|Optimisation package=other
|Optimisation algorithm=linear programming, metaheuristic algorithm
|Risk evaluation=user defined
|Uncertainty evaluation=Monte Carlo simulation
{{DSS description, Support of knowledge management process
{{DSS, Support of Knowledge Management
|Integrated KM techniques to identify and structure knowledge=
|Has knowledge management processes=SIMO.Knowledge management process
|Integrated KM techniques to analyse and apply knowledge=
|Has support for social participation=SIMO.Support of social participation
{{DSS description, Support of social participation
{{DSS, Support of social participation
|Stakeholder identification support=
|Has support for social participation=SIMO.Support of social participation
|Planning criteria formation support=
|Planning process monitoring and evaluation=
|Planning outcome monitoring and evaluation=
{{DSS description, User interface and outputs
{{DSS, DSS development
|User access control=No
|Has DSS development=SIMO.Description of DSS development
|Parameterised GUI=No
|GUI technology=N/A
{{DSS description, System design and development
{{DSS, Documentation
|Development start year=2004
|Has website=http://www.simo-project.org
|Number of development years (100% equivalent)=10
|Has manual=Yes
|Development team size=4
|Has technical documentation=Yes
|Team profiles=forest specialists, IT specialists
|Number of forest specialists in the development team=3
|Number of users participating in specification=7
|Stakeholder identification support=
|Planning criteria formation support=
{{DSS description, Technological architecture, integration with other systems
{{DSS, Non-wood forest products
|System type=stand-alone command line
|Has NWFP support=SIMO.puolukka
|Operating system=Linux/Unix, Windows, OS X
|Programming language=C, Python, Fortran
{{DSS description, Ongoing development
{{DSS, Non-wood forest products
|Adaptation effort (man years)=N/A
|Has NWFP support=SIMO.mustikka
{{DSS description, Documentation
{{DSS, Non-wood forest products
|Has NWFP support=SIMO.sienet
|Technical documentation=Yes

Latest revision as of 17:17, 1 September 2013

Wiki quality control

Has flag N/A

Name, responsible organisation and contact person

Has full name SIMO
Has acronym SIMO
Has wiki contact person jussi.rasinmaki@simosol.fi
Has wiki contact e-mail jussi.rasinmaki@simosol.fi

Software identification

Has software SIMO.Software


Has description SIMO has been designed so that it could be adapted to various planning proglems and scales. The flexible data model allows the computing units to be basically anything; a tree, a stand, a raster cell
Has modelling scope Economical indicators, Forest indicators, user defined
Has temporal scale Long term (strategic), Medium term (tactical)
Has spatial context Non spatial, Spatial with neighbourhood interrelations, Spatial with no neighbourhood interrelations
Has spatial scale Forest level, Regional/national level, Stand level
Has objectives dimension Multiple objectives
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension Market wood products
Has decision making dimension Single decision maker
Has forest management goal biomass estimation, carbon sequestration, climate change impact, economic evaluation, fertilization
Supports tree species Any
Supports silvicultural regime even-aged, uneven-aged/natural regeneration, uneven-aged/plantation, user defined

Concrete application

Has typical use case
Has user profile Non-industrial private owners, forest owners associations, national forest administration, local administration, IT company
Has country Finland
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users <=30
Has number of real-life applications <=30
Has utilisation in education used by students
Has research project reference
Has tool dissemination

Decision support techniques used in the DSS

Has decision support techniques SIMO.Decision support techniques

Support of Knowledge Management

Has knowledge management processes SIMO.Knowledge management process

Support of social participation

Has support for social participation SIMO.Support of social participation

DSS development

Has DSS development SIMO.Description of DSS development


Has website http://www.simo-project.org
Has online demo
Has manual Yes
Has technical documentation Yes
Has reference

Non-wood forest products

Has NWFP support SIMO.puolukka

Non-wood forest products

Has NWFP support SIMO.mustikka

Non-wood forest products

Has NWFP support SIMO.sienet