Difference between revisions of "Property:KM tools used during the development of the DSS"

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The allowed values for this property are:
The allowed values for this property are:
* [[Allows value::Knowledge mapping]]
* [[Allows value::Knowledge mapping; Workflow; Database; Web portal; Community of Practice; Best Practices; Virtual Reality; Intelligent Agent; Expert System; Artificial Intelligence]]
* [[Allows value::Workflow]]
* [[Allows value::Database]]
* [[Allows value::Web portal]]
* [[Allows value::Community of Practice]]
* [[Allows value::Best Practices]]
* [[Allows value::Virtual Reality]]
* [[Allows value::Intelligent Agent]]
* [[Allows value::Expert System]]
* [[Allows value::Artificial Intelligence]]

Revision as of 15:10, 27 June 2012

This is a property of type String.

which KM techniques have been used during the development process of the described system, they are now maybe not part of the system, but were important during the development process. Agent: In the context of Data Mining (DM) agents are defined as promising techniques for retrieving information from databases. In the context of Knowledge Management (KM) agents are defined as software systems that learn how users work and provide assistance in their daily tasks. In the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Expert Systems (ES) agents are small programs that reside on computers to conduct certain tasks automatically, they monitor the environment and react to certain trigger conditions. Expert Systems: There are various expert systems in which a rulebase and an inference engine are interlinked to simulate the reasoning process that a human expert pursues in analyzing a problem and arriving at a conclusion. In these systems a vast amount of knowledge is stored in the knowledge base. The knowledge base could consist of "if then" statements that resemble the sequence of mental steps that are involved in the human reasoning process. Artificial Intelligence techniques (e.g. ANN, Bayesian Networks, Logic Programming): AI has developed a large number of tools/techniques to solve the most difficult problems in computer science. E.g. Logic Programming is used for knowledge representation and problem solving, a number of techniques make use of probability theory to operate with incomplete or uncertain information (e.g. Bayesian)

The allowed values for this property are:

  • Knowledge mapping; Workflow; Database; Web portal; Community of Practice; Best Practices; Virtual Reality; Intelligent Agent; Expert System; Artificial Intelligence