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Has flag
Has full name A comprehensive system for forest management planning in Trentino
Has country Italy
Has location Trentino province - Italian Alps
Has responsible organisation Forest Service - Province of Trento
Has type of owner organization local administration
Has related DSS SIPAFIT
Has start date 2009
Has end date
Has DSS development stage use, update
Has decision stage monitoring
Has temporal scale medium term (tactical), short term (operational)
Has spatial context spatial with no neighbourhood interrelations
Has spatial scale forest level
Has decision making dimension single decision maker
Has objectives dimension multiple objectives
Has goods and services dimension market wood products, non-market services
Has working group theme Knowledge management
Has website
Has description Forest administration of the Province of Trento (North-Eastern Italian Alps, 400,000 ha of forest area, more than 50% of the province total area) has recently changed its inventory system from total census (full callipering, which had been progressively reduced in area, for cost reasons) to sampling methods. Besides, the needs for a modern and efficient forest management require more information about an overall “description” of the forest, but at the same time can tolerate less accuracy in timber production estimates.

The new management system integrates statistical and sampling methods with computer and technological resources allowing an effective georeferenced description of the main (both dendroauxometric and structural) forest parameters of the managed forest stands. SIPAFIT is the DSS used in forest planning by the Trentino Forest Service which allows simulation of different scenarios in terms of forest stratification, inventory strategies and sampling intensity. SIPAFIT has been articulated in several sub-systems which support the different steps of the management decision chain (refer to the Wiki description for details). SIPAFIT and its sub-systems were initially tested on a pilot management plan in 2009, and then had several changes and improvements to tackle the problems met. A total of 12 experts were involved in system design, implementation and testing (5 researchers, 4 foresters from the Forest Service and 3 professional forest managers involved in plan preparation). The professionals involved in the development of the system sometimes had specific and little transversal skills. Moreover, during this first period of application, a number of meetings and workshops has been realized with all the users of the system. The tools have been operatively used since 2009 by the forest managers of Forest Service in the Trentino Province, and therefore their users have extended from researchers to consultants (professionals who perform forest management plans) and to other stakeholders (i.e. managers and technicians of the municipalities which are the public forest owners). Of course, there is still few information about the “maintainance” of SIPAFIT: the system is too young.

Has reference Colle G., Clementel F., Floris A., Marzullo L., Scrinzi G., 2010. Strumenti evoluti di mobile GIS a supporto del monitoraggio e della pianificazione forestale. Forest@ 7: 148-157 [online: 2010-07-30] URL: http://www.sisef.it/forest@/?doi=10.3832/efor0622-007.

Scrinzi G., Clementel F., Colle G., Floris A., Galvagni D., Gecele S., Marzullo L., 2008. Soluzioni statistico-matematiche, informatiche e tecnologie per la nuova pianificazione forestale aziendale trentina. III Congresso Nazionale di Selvicoltura, Taormina 15-18 ottobre 2008. Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali, Firenze, p. 915-920. URL: http://sito.entecra.it/portale/cra_pubblic_scheda.php?id=837492ca-6ff9-8085-354c-4abccc1f4703&lingua=IT

Scrinzi G., Clementel F., Colle G., Farruggia C., Floris A., Torresan C., 2011. L’inventario dendrometrico nella nuova pianificazione forestale aziendale trentina (NPFAT). © 2011 Provincia Autonoma di Trento – Servizio Foreste e Fauna. ISBN 978-88-7702-322-3.

Wolynski A., Zanin M., Scrinzi G., 2009. Revisione della pianificazione forestale in Trentino a cinquant’anni dall’adozione della selvicoltura naturalistica. Atti del Terzo Congresso Nazionale di Selvicoltura. Taormina (ME), 16-19 Ottobre 2008. Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali, Firenze, p. 928-932. URL: http://www.aisf.it/AttiCNS/articoli/volume_2/125_wolinsky.htm

Has wiki contact person Antonio Floris, Chiara Torresan
Has wiki contact e-mail antonio.floris@entecra.it; chiara.torresan@entecra.itURIs of the form "antonio.floris@entecra.it; chiara.torresan@entecra.it" are not allowed.
Has DSS development Italy-A comprehensive system for forest management planning in Trentino Province.Description of DSS development
Has decision support techniques Italy-A comprehensive system for forest management planning in Trentino Province.Decision support techniques
Has knowledge management processes Italy-A comprehensive system for forest management planning in Trentino Province.Knowledge management process
Has support for social participation Italy-A comprehensive system for forest management planning in Trentino Province.Support of social participation