File list
From COST Action FP0804: FORSYS
This special page shows all uploaded files.
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Name | Thumbnail | Size | User | Description | Versions |
17:19, 29 September 2009 | Monsu simuloimalla.JPG (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
76 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Monsu simulation development | 1 |
16:16, 29 September 2009 | MONTE VRML.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
1.03 MB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: PALAHÍ, M., T. PUKKALA et A. TRASOBARES (2004): Presentación del sistema de planificación forestal MONTE. ''Revista Montes'' 4º Trimestre 2004, Nº 78 (In Spanish). | 1 |
16:16, 29 September 2009 | MONTE development.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
552 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: PALAHÍ, M., T. PUKKALA et A. TRASOBARES (2004): Presentación del sistema de planificación forestal MONTE. ''Revista Montes'' 4º Trimestre 2004, Nº 78 (In Spanish). | 1 |
16:16, 29 September 2009 | MONTE bars.PNG (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
93 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: PALAHÍ, M., T. PUKKALA et A. TRASOBARES (2004): Presentación del sistema de planificación forestal MONTE. ''Revista Montes'' 4º Trimestre 2004, Nº 78 (In Spanish). | 1 |
16:15, 29 September 2009 | MONTE 3Dvisual.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
347 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: PALAHÍ, M., T. PUKKALA et A. TRASOBARES (2004): Presentación del sistema de planificación forestal MONTE. ''Revista Montes'' 4º Trimestre 2004, Nº 78 (In Spanish). | 1 |
19:23, 23 September 2009 | Heureka visualization.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
1.34 MB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | 1 | |
14:34, 23 September 2009 | SAGfLOR alternativas.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
10 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Management alternatives for the DUNAS model Source: SAGfLOR 2.0: Manual de Utilização. Simulador de Alternativas de Gestão''. GEGREF Grupo de Economia e Gestão de Recursos Florestais. Documento No 5. 50pp. | 1 |
14:32, 23 September 2009 | SAGfLOR selecçao.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
250 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Spatial visualization of the selected management units Source: SAGfLOR 2.0: Manual de Utilização. Simulador de Alternativas de Gestão''. GEGREF Grupo de Economia e Gestão de Recursos Florestais. Documento No 5. 50pp. | 1 |
14:29, 23 September 2009 | DECfLOR soluçao.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
21 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | GIS Visualization of a proposed solution by DECfLOR SOURCE:FALCÃO A. et J.G. BORGES (1999): ''SAGfLOR 2.0: Manual de Utilização. Simulador de Alternativas de Gestão''. GEGREF Grupo de Economia e Gestão de Recursos Florestais. Documento No 5. 50pp. | 1 |
13:56, 23 September 2009 | Mesta interface.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
373 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Mesta interface showing the threshold values which were used as the starting point of the negotiation process in a case study. SOURCE: HILTUNEN, V., M. KURTTILA, P. LESKINEN, K. PASANEN et J. PYKÄLÄINEN (2009): Mesta: An internet-based decision-support | 1 |
13:55, 23 September 2009 | Mesta final thresholds.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
346 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | 3 | |
19:10, 22 September 2009 | SimForTree.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
96 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | 1 | |
19:05, 22 September 2009 | SimForTree.gif (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
4 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SimForTree logo | 1 |
14:30, 22 September 2009 | EnerTree logo.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
218 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | 1 | |
14:25, 22 September 2009 | EnerTree standinfo.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
160 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: PASANEN, K. (2005): ''EnerTree - A Decision Support Tool for Forest Energy Utilisation''. Biomass Production: Energy from Forestry and Agriculture. Elgin, Scotland 21st-22nd November 2005 (Oral communication) ([ | 1 |
14:25, 22 September 2009 | EnerTree simulationhistory.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
114 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: PASANEN, K. (2005): ''EnerTree - A Decision Support Tool for Forest Energy Utilisation''. Biomass Production: Energy from Forestry and Agriculture. Elgin, Scotland 21st-22nd November 2005 (Oral communication) ([ | 1 |
14:25, 22 September 2009 | EnerTree regenerationscenarios.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
282 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: PASANEN, K. (2005): ''EnerTree - A Decision Support Tool for Forest Energy Utilisation''. Biomass Production: Energy from Forestry and Agriculture. Elgin, Scotland 21st-22nd November 2005 (Oral communication) ([ | 1 |
14:25, 22 September 2009 | EnerTree infoEthelp.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
688 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: PASANEN, K. (2005): ''EnerTree - A Decision Support Tool for Forest Energy Utilisation''. Biomass Production: Energy from Forestry and Agriculture. Elgin, Scotland 21st-22nd November 2005 (Oral communication) ([ | 1 |
14:24, 22 September 2009 | EnerTree datainput.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
91 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: PASANEN, K. (2005): ''EnerTree - A Decision Support Tool for Forest Energy Utilisation''. Biomass Production: Energy from Forestry and Agriculture. Elgin, Scotland 21st-22nd November 2005 (Oral communication) ([ | 1 |
19:23, 21 September 2009 | AFFOREST output settings.png (file) | ![]() |
50 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: GILLIAMS, S., J. VAN ORSHOVEN, K. HANSEN, H. SKOV-PETERSEN et B. MUYS (2004): ''The AFFOREST-sDSS tutorial''. K.U.Leuven, Laboratory for Forest, Nature and Landscape Research, Belgium and Forest & Landscape, Denmark. | 1 |
19:21, 21 September 2009 | AFFOREST questions.png (file) | ![]() |
14 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: GILLIAMS, S., J. VAN ORSHOVEN, K. HANSEN, H. SKOV-PETERSEN et B. MUYS (2004): ''The AFFOREST-sDSS tutorial''. K.U.Leuven, Laboratory for Forest, Nature and Landscape Research, Belgium and Forest & Landscape, Denmark. | 1 |
19:21, 21 September 2009 | AFFOREST Graphical window.png (file) | ![]() |
66 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: GILLIAMS, S., J. VAN ORSHOVEN, K. HANSEN, H. SKOV-PETERSEN et B. MUYS (2004): ''The AFFOREST-sDSS tutorial''. K.U.Leuven, Laboratory for Forest, Nature and Landscape Research, Belgium and Forest & Landscape, Denmark. | 1 |
19:20, 21 September 2009 | AFFOREST(ation) strategies.png (file) | ![]() |
21 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: GILLIAMS, S., J. VAN ORSHOVEN, K. HANSEN, H. SKOV-PETERSEN et B. MUYS (2004): ''The AFFOREST-sDSS tutorial''. K.U.Leuven, Laboratory for Forest, Nature and Landscape Research, Belgium and Forest & Landscape, Denmark. | 1 |
13:09, 21 September 2009 | Afforest.gif (file) | ![]() |
7 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | AFFOREST logo | 1 |
17:01, 15 September 2009 | ESC yield class.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
18 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: RAY D. (2001): ''A PC-based Decision Support System for British Forests. User’s Guide. Version 1.7''. Forestry Commission. ([$FILE/manual.pdf pdf]) | 1 |
17:01, 15 September 2009 | ESC species suitability.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
16 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: RAY D. (2001): ''A PC-based Decision Support System for British Forests. User’s Guide. Version 1.7''. Forestry Commission. ([$FILE/manual.pdf pdf]) | 1 |
17:00, 15 September 2009 | ESC site location.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
182 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: RAY D. (2001): ''A PC-based Decision Support System for British Forests. User’s Guide. Version 1.7''. Forestry Commission. ([$FILE/manual.pdf pdf]) | 1 |
17:00, 15 September 2009 | ESC main window.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
201 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: RAY D. (2001): ''A PC-based Decision Support System for British Forests. User’s Guide. Version 1.7''. Forestry Commission. ([$FILE/manual.pdf pdf]) | 1 |
17:00, 15 September 2009 | ESC input window.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
207 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | SOURCE: RAY D. (2001): ''A PC-based Decision Support System for British Forests. User’s Guide. Version 1.7''. Forestry Commission. ([$FILE/manual.pdf pdf]) | 1 |
16:10, 15 September 2009 | Screenshot-ESC.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
109 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Screenshot of the web version of the ESC in my computer | 1 |
15:47, 15 September 2009 | ESC brochure.jpg (file) | ![]() |
7 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | ESC image SOURCE: | 1 |
15:42, 15 September 2009 | ESC sitkaspruce map.gif (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
32 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | The effect of climate change on the potential Sitka Spruce productivity as predicted by ESC for the UKCIP02 2050s High and Low emission scenarios. | 1 |
17:29, 14 September 2009 | ForestGALES results.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
317 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | The Results form for single stand predictions through time. SOURCE: GARDINER B., J SUÁREZ, A. ACHIM, S. HALE et B. NICOLL (2004): ''ForestGALES. A PC-based wind risk model for British Forests. User’s Guide. Version 2.0''. Forestry Commission. | 1 |
17:27, 14 September 2009 | ForestGALES query.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
272 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Query form for Single stand predictions using field measurements. SOURCE: GARDINER B., J SUÁREZ, A. ACHIM, S. HALE et B. NICOLL (2004): ''ForestGALES. A PC-based wind risk model for British Forests. User’s Guide. Version 2.0''. Forestry Commission. | 1 |
11:50, 14 September 2009 | CONES screenshot.jpg (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
120 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | 2 | |
11:05, 14 September 2009 | Karnten.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
59 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Map of the States of Austria, highlighting Kärnten | 1 |
22:07, 13 September 2009 | DSD screenshot.jpg (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
126 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Decision Support Dobrova screenshot. Taken from its [ webpage] | 1 |
19:44, 11 September 2009 | IFFIRES.png (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
359 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | IFFIRES structure | 1 |
16:17, 11 September 2009 | Greece-fire.jpg (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
2.39 MB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | ASTER image acquired September 4 2007 over the western coast of the Peloponnesus Peninsula CREDITS: NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team SOURCE: | 1 |
18:08, 9 September 2009 | Monsu optimoinnilla.JPG (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
49 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Monsu optimization data input | 1 |
17:42, 9 September 2009 | Monsu maastotiedot.JPG (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
44 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | Monsu data input screen | 1 |
17:27, 9 September 2009 | Monsu view2.JPG (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
60 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | view from the Monsu visualization. Source: | 1 |
16:19, 9 September 2009 | ForestGALES.jpg (file) | Error creating thumbnail: /usr/bin/convert: not found |
11 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | 1 | |
17:38, 8 September 2009 | EMDS logo2.jpg (file) | ![]() |
25 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | I think this one is the newest logo | 1 |
17:38, 8 September 2009 | EMDS logo1.jpg (file) | ![]() |
31 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | I think this one is the old logo | 1 |
13:35, 8 September 2009 | Image007.jpg (file) | ![]() |
34 KB | Francisco Girón Gesteira | NED logo | 1 |
18:40, 25 May 2009 | My forest s.jpg (file) | ![]() |
30 KB | Afalcao | 1 | |
18:35, 25 May 2009 | My forest.jpg (file) | ![]() |
182 KB | Afalcao | 1 | |
16:11, 29 April 2009 | Phanes1.gif (file) | ![]() |
13 KB | Afalcao | This is just a test image. Do not use it for anything! | 1 |
15:40, 29 April 2009 | Europe prtd.png (file) | ![]() |
213 KB | WikiSysop | 1 |
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