General System description
System name: SADfLOR - Sistema de apoio à decisão em recursos florestais
Acronym: SADfLOR
Brief overview
SADfLOR is set of decision support tools for forest harvest scheduling designed for the Portuguese forest specificities. This system encompasses a management information system in forest resources (inFlor), a flexible prescription writer for the most important Portuguese species (SAGfLOR)and a set of models that allow using different methods for solving specific problems (DECfLOR)
Scope of the system
SADfLOR has been designed to provide harvest scheduling plans to the most important Portuguese forest ecosystems. Namely:
- Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster, Ait.)
- Eucalypt (Eucalyptus globulus, Labill)
- Cork oak (Quercus suber, L.)
The user is able to define the sylviculture models for each species, generate appropriate prescriptions and solve the resulting management problem according to a variety of methods. It is further possible to visualize the decisions along time in an embedded GIS visualization tool.