Case Study Literature DSS

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Forest DSS

Existing case studies

Gordon-2006-Decision support systems for forest biodiversity management_A review of tools and an analytical-deliberative framework for understanding their successful application 
Sean Gordon's dissertation. Chapters 7-10 contain 4 indepth case studies of DSS use for forest biodiversity issues in the USA. Tests cases against specific theories of social and technical success factors.
Gordon-2007-A guide to decision making and decision models for forest biodiversity 
Appendix A contains 15 brief case studies of DSS use for forest biodiversity issues in the USA. Selected to describe use by different ownership classes.
Pretzsch-2002-The single tree based stand simulator SILVA
Mainly a description of the system itself. Although it doesn't discuss actual use, it does devote sections to factors that should affect its usability (potential applications, suitability for forest planners).
Johnson, K.N.; Duncan, S.; Spies, T.A. 2007. Regional policy models for forest biodiversity analysis_lessons from coastal Oregon. Ecological Applications. 17(1) 81-90.
Reynolds, K.M., P.F. Hessburg, R.E. Keane, and J.P. Menakis. 2009. Allocating fuel-treatment budgets
recent federal experience with decision support. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 2373–2381. PDF
Various other EMDS applications on Wikipedia

General sources

Frada Burstein, C. W. Holsapple 2008. Handbook on decision support systems: Band 1
Frada Burstein, Clyde W. Holsapple. 2008 Handbook on Decision Support Systems 2: Variations
in chapter 60 - Reynolds et al. provide a comprehensive overview of existing Decision-Support Systems in Forest Management

Non-forestry DSS case studies

Univ. Redlands Spatial Decision Support Portal 
Short case descriptions (Gordon-2007 cases plus a few others) tagged with ontological concepts (tools used, application domain, decision problem types).