Import Lessons from test wiki

From COST Action FP0804: FORSYS
Revision as of 05:15, 1 May 2013 by SeanGordon (Talk | contribs)

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Has issue type Suggestion
Has author Sean
Has responsible person or organization Sean (help from Dominique / Jussi)
Has issue description Some Lessons on the test wiki have been changed since the last import. Need to re-import.
Has issue solution 1. Delete current Lessons on public wiki

(Problem: code below was successful in deleting about half the lessons, but now getting unclear error message on 'for' statement (like no Lessons exist or maybe next Lesson has some problem?) 2. Re-import lessons from test wiki

Has issue priority "high" is not in the list of possible values (1-high, 2-medium, 3-low) for this property.
Has task status

import sys sys.path.append('mwclient') import os import mwclient cat = 'Lesson' ##site = mwclient.Site('','/wiki/') ##site.login('forsys', 'forsys1') site = mwclient.Site('','/wiki/') site.login('SeanGordon', '4other') for pg in site.Categories[cat]: pgname = pg.page_title print pgname pg.delete(reason='Seans automated delete') print "DONE"