Property:Has DSS development

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DSS development

Pages using the property "Has DSS development"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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EMDS +EMDS.Description of DSS development  +
ETÇAP +ETÇAP.Description of DSS development  +
EcologicalSiteClassification +EcologicalSiteClassification.Description of DSS development  +
Embedding a DSS in a GIS software allows obtaining information at different spatial scales using the +Embedding a DSS in a GIS software allows obtaining information at different spatial scales using the.Description of DSS development  +
Enabling the analyses of several ecosystem services (timber and non-timber resources) in one and the +Enabling the analyses of several ecosystem services (timber and non-timber resources) in one and the.Description of DSS development  +
End user engagement throughout the development and deployment cycle is very important +End user engagement throughout the development and deployment cycle is very important.Description of DSS development  +
Enlarge the decision space by generating a large set of potential management alternatives +Enlarge the decision space by generating a large set of potential management alternatives.Description of DSS development  +
Enlarged decision space +Enlarged decision space.Description of DSS development  +


FMPP +FMPP.Description of DSS development  +
FORFUN +FORFUN.Description of DSS development  +
Finland-Integrating wood quality considerations in landscape-level forest planning +Finland-Integrating wood quality considerations in landscape-level forest planning.Description of DSS development  +
Finland-Strategic planning at the national forest administration +Finland-Strategic planning at the national forest administration.Description of DSS development  +
ForMIS +ForMIS.Description of DSS development  +
Forest managers have to analyze how their forest management interventions effect the landscape +Forest managers have to analyze how their forest management interventions effect the landscape.Description of DSS development  +
ForestGales +ForestGales.Description of DSS development  +
From a management perspective, to avoid the complication of testing something new, the models used +From a management perspective, to avoid the complication of testing something new, the models used.Description of DSS development  +


Germany-Actor Network Theory to Understand Collaborative Decision Support Systems Development in Forest Management Practice +Germany-Actor Network Theory to Understand Collaborative Decision Support Systems Development in Forest Management Practice.Description of DSS development  +
Germany-Using GISCAME to test alternative land-use scenarios under climate change in the Upper Elbe Valley +Germany-Using GISCAME to test alternative land-use scenarios under climate change in the Upper Elbe Valley.Description of DSS development  +
Getting joint funding from both the forest and environmental sectors can be a successfull for +Getting joint funding from both the forest and environmental sectors can be a successfull for.Description of DSS development  +
Group participation with knowledgeable people is a good way to ensure that the decision hierarchy is +Group participation with knowledgeable people is a good way to ensure that the decision hierarchy is.Description of DSS development  +
Growth and Yield models are a key component of forest DSS +Growth and Yield models are a key component of forest DSS.Description of DSS development  +


Heureka +Heureka.Description of DSS development  +
HylobiusManagementSupportSystem +HylobiusManagementSupportSystem.Description of DSS development  +


Ireland-PractiSFM multi-resource inventory and decision support for private forest owners +Ireland-PractiSFM multi-resource inventory and decision support for private forest owners.Description of DSS development  +
It is necessary to know which data will be use as variables in the models before designing the DSS +It is necessary to know which data will be use as variables in the models before designing the DSS.Description of DSS development  +
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