
From COST Action FP0804: FORSYS
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Has responsible organisation Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Has institutional framework research prototype (R&D project)
Has DSS contact person Harald Vacik
Has DSS contact e-mail
Has status used (stable and not upgraded/not upgraded recently)
Has accessibility restricted access
Is commercial product No
Has price
Has deployment cost <= 1‘000€
Has installation requirements The decision support tool is implemented using the software package ArcGIS
Has computational limitations A full simulation run for hundered years with several management prescriptions might take between 2-5 min.
Has user support organization Institute of Silviculture, at the Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Has support team size 2
Has maintenance organization Institute of Silviculture, at the Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Has input data requirements Forest inventory data, Forest ownership data
Has input data format spreadsheet, other
Has data validation missing/wrong data
Has output data format table, graph, map, pre-programmed summaries
Has internal data management database
Has database Access
Has GIS integration ESRI
Has data mining
Has spatial analysis Several spatial analysis techniques are applied (point measurements are automatically extrapolated using Thyssen polygon approach, length of sky line systems is calculated, management area and regeneration patches are calculated, provides standard data import/export formats, topology overlays (e.g. multi layering of different maps, selection of objects based on selection criteria, aggregation by attributes (e.g. areas of similar characteristics, Linking by logical means, statistics by area, analysis with digital terrain model))
Has user access control Yes
Has parameterised GUI Yes
Has GUI usability feature Error handling and recovery, User control
Has map interface 2D
Has GUI technology Visual C++
Has system type extension (based on standard software)
Has application architecture
Has communication architecture
Uses operating system Windows
Uses programming language C++
Is scalable No
Supports interoperability
Supports integration with other systems