Case Study Template
From COST Action FP0804: FORSYS
- hasStartDate: Year
- hasEndDate: Year or Ongoing
- DSS used:
- Country:
- hasLocation: more specific location
- DevelopmentStage: development, adoption, use, adaptation (can choose multiple)
- DecisionStage: organization, intelligence, design, choice, monitoring (can choose multiple)
- Type of the owner organization: person, team, community, forest enterprise, forest contractor, forest engineering firm, national administration, local administration, IT company, non-profit organisation, research institution, higher or secondary education establishment, other
- Temporal scale: long term (strategic), medium term (tactical), short term (operational)
- Spatial context: spatial with neighbourhood interrelations, spatial with no neighbourhood interrelations, non spatial
- Spatial scale: regional/national level, forest level, stand level
- Decision making dimension: single decision maker, more than one decision maker/stakeholder
- Objectives dimension: single objective, multiple objectives
- Goods and services dimension: market non-wood products, market wood products, market services, non-market services
The focus of each case should be on 'lessons learned', so please make sure that the case description supports the lessons list at the end of the case (i.e. each lesson should have some supporting evidence / details in the description).
- Lesson 1
- Lesson 2
- Names. Year. Title. Source.