Portugal-Developing a management plan for the CHAMUSCA county

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Has flag
Has full name Developing a management plan for the CHAMUSCA county (Portugal)
Has country Portugal
Has location Portugal
Has responsible organisation
Has type of owner organization
Has related DSS
Has start date
Has end date
Has DSS development stage
Has decision stage
Has temporal scale
Has spatial context
Has spatial scale
Has decision making dimension
Has objectives dimension
Has goods and services dimension
Has working group theme
Has website
Has description
Has reference
Has wiki contact person Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo
Has wiki contact e-mail Jordigarcia@isa.utl.pt
Has DSS development Portugal-Developing a management plan for the CHAMUSCA county.Description of DSS development
Has decision support techniques Portugal-Developing a management plan for the CHAMUSCA county.Decision support techniques
Has knowledge management processes Portugal-Developing a management plan for the CHAMUSCA county.Knowledge management process
Has support for social participation Portugal-Developing a management plan for the CHAMUSCA county.Support of social participation