Wg3 workplan

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Working Group 3 - main objectives

The work concentrates on the review of knowledge management (KM) methods to acquire, verify, and validate knowledge from single to multiple experts, and methods to represent knowledge and transfer information in general. The categorization of approaches, tools, techniques and methods will be done according to the phases of DSS development (1) and DSS application (2).

  1. According to DSS development we will evaluate KM - approaches which are used and sometimes required in the development process (requirements analysis, concept and design, software implementation, integration / test, user documentation, install, maintenance and support) in order to conceptualize, develop and integrate DSS.
  2. We will evaluate KM - approaches which are part of existing DSS and used in the application process (intelligence, design, choice, monitoring) in order to generate, acquire, verify, validate, store, transfer, and apply knowledge in natural resource management.

Work Program 2009

Activities and Outputs

  • WG3 established - 28 participants from 16 countries.
  • Listing of possible KM approaches / techniques / methods that are used to develop components of DSS.
  • Initiation of work on defining success criteria for the evaluation of KM approaches. will be listed
  • WG3 sessions at Riga meeting.
  • A WG3 designated page on the wiki opened.

Work Program 2010

Activities and Outputs

  • WG3 has increased its number of participants from 28 from 16 countries in 2009 to 29 from 15 countries.
  • The listed possible KM approaches / techniques / methods were evaluated according to their contribution to problem identification, problem modeling and problem solving An STSM from Chiara Torresan was hosted by Vacik Harald (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) on the evaluation of KM tools. The STSM contributed to the achievement of M9 of FORSYS COST Action.
  • Listing of success criteria for the evaluation of KM approaches has been finished.
  • WG3 sessions at the Brussels meeting allowed a joined session with WG4 in order to identify similarities in activities between both WG.
  • The wiki page from WG3 was further elaborated

Work Program 2011

Activities and Outputs

  • The joint paper "The role of Knowledge management in supporting sustainable forest management" by Harald Vacik, Teppo Hujala, Chiara Torresan, Keith Reynolds" was prepared for submission
  • A concept of the joint paper "Problem structuring methods (PSM) bridging the gap between participatory planning and knowledge management" by Teppo Hujala, Chiranjewee Khadka, Bernhard Wolfslehner, Harald Vacik was produced
  • Input was provided to the Semantic Wiki with regard to the metainformation of the attributes and the priorities of the criteria to be filled out for each DSS - Criteria for the evaluation of KM techniques were fixed - a keynote on Ontology development and Semantic Wikis was organized for the Leuven meeting
  • a review of all country reports was done with regard to the KM part and feedback was provided to the STC
  • Input was provided to the process of DSS meta-analysis together with other WGs for selecting case studies
  • DSS cases described in the FORSYS Wiki were screened by the members of WG3 according to their use and application of KM techniques in DSS development and/or application
  • participation in the FORSYS meetings in Greece and Leuven

Work Program 2012


  1. Continue with the update of the Semantic WIKI content regarding the KM part
  2. Participtation in the 1st International Scientific Conference 2012 “Implementation of DSS Tools into the Forestry Practice”, which will be held on May 10th - 13th, 2012
  3. Produce a draft how the KM part of the DSS guidelines could be formulated (until Zvolen meeting)
    1. to identify different KM techniques in supporting various problem types
    2. to make a proposal how different KM techniques could be integrated in DSS development
  4. Finalize the joint paper for the SI:
    1. The role of Knowledge management in supporting sustainable forest management by Harald Vacik, Teppo Hujala, Chiara Torresan and Keith Reynolds
    2. Problem structuring methods (PSM) bridging the gap between participatory planning and knowledge management by Teppo Hujala, Chiranjewee Khadka, Bernhard Wolfslehner, Harald Vacik

List of KM approaches, tools and techniques

For the review of appropriate KM approaches it will be important to distinguish between tools and the techniques which are used to run the "tools". For instance, a database contains data and information which are managed by a database management system (DBMS) and several data mining techniques can be used to retrieve data and information. On the other hand there exists a multitude of techniques for input/output and storage, as well as for categorization and sharing of data and information in a database. In this context several techniques and tools are an integral part of a database management system and it will be necessary to categorize and describe the tool (DBMS) and the techniques (e.g. data input, data mining) in the review. In order to clarify possible overlaps to WG 4 it will be important to concentrate on the tools and techniques itself, but not focusing on the "process" to apply them; the participatory aspect should be tackled in WG 4. Table 1 gives a short overview of some "tools" which comprise several "techniques" or "methods".

Table 1: "Tools" using information technology and knowledge management techniques, which could be an integral part of DSS development and application

Tools Description
Knowledge maps (cognitive maps, mind maps) Establish a classification scheme called a taxonomy of knowledge, provide a frame of reference for many knowledge management products, and serve as a critical first step for identifying available knowledge.
Databases A common way to organize original source material in a database structure. It is irrelevant whether the data is numeric or graphic or computer files. Web-based methods have been developed to manage database online. Data mining techniques are useful in retrieving information from huge databases – several techniques are developed in order to find appropriate results and quick solutions with efficient search algorithms.
Expert Systems There are various expert systems in which a rulebase and an inference engine are interlinked to simulate the reasoning process that a human expert pursues in analyzing a problem and arriving at a conclusion. In these systems a vast amount of knowledge is stored in the knowledge base. The knowledge base could consist of "if then" statements that resemble the sequence of mental steps that are involved in the human reasoning process. On the other hand Artifical neural networks (ANN) consists of an adaptive interconnected group of artificial neurons and processes that changes its structure based on external or internal information that flows through the network during the learning phase. The utility of ANN models lies in the fact that they can be used to infer a function from observations. This is particularly useful in applications where the complexity of the data or task makes the design of such a function by hand impractical
Free-content information collaboratories Create and distribute free information content, e.g., encyclopedia. Articles are edited by volunteers and are subject to change by nearly anyone. They cover a wide range of topics, but lack the authority of traditional materials and lack the chance of a quality control regarding the content.
Web portals Provide links to many other sites that can either be accessed directly or can be found by following an organized sequence of related categories. The provider of a web portal is responsible for structuring and filtering of web-addresses relating to a special theme.
Electronic yellow-page directories Aid in finding hard-to-access tacit knowledge resources by providing access to experts. They also organize existing web sites and serve up a variety of explicit knowledge assets in understandable ways.

Communities of practice Support groups of individuals with similar work responsibilities but who are not part of a formally designated work team. Many communities of practice communicate through a web-based system.

Frequently asked questions In the course of performing a job, people naturally identify questions that their coworkers or their clients ask repeatedly. It is worthwhile to document and develop useful and standardized answers for these types of repetitive questions. Web-based systems also exist that specialize in the management of these questions.
Scientific content management sites Collects knowledge in some kind of web-based content management system. First, the knowledge has to be found, organized, synthesized, reviewed for quality, and uploaded for availability. Second, the knowledge content has to be updated and maintained so it keeps its currency. Software systems exist that support both of these functions.
Online scientific journals More and more scientific journals have placed all or part of the content of their original research articles online. Search engines allow to find relevant articles and the number of citations refering to them.
Library services Managing and making accessible published books and scientific journal articles has long been the province of science libraries. These services are also available on the internet either free of charge.
Best practices and lessons learned Typically present the situation, the options, choices taken, and the results for a typical decision problem. They are widely used in natural resource management and can be extensively found on the internet.
Lectures and story telling Allow people to gain more understanding and have greater recall then they do from written reports. Stories can be used to capture lectures on a particular topic, to capture after action reports, to record difficult to codify tacit knowledge, and for many other purposes. Web-based software systems exist that support this knowledge management tool.

Apprenticeship programs Are typically one-on-one type relationships where an expert coaches a less experience person in various forms.

Web-based learning Allows to translate a typical classroom experience to an online media to offer students the opportunity to learn codified knowledge in a structure way at their own pace.
Simulation models Are a popular way to organize specific problem solving knowledge and provide precise, quantitative answers to guide natural resource managers. Most such models have not yet been converted to execute over the internet, however, many simulation models can be downloaded from the internet and then executed on a stand-alone computer.