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Warning: require(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /data/home/fp0804/www/wiki/includes/AutoLoader.php on line 1191
(Forest data input)
(Scope of the system)
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=== Scope of the system ===
=== Scope of the system ===
* tool encourages decision maker to discover new problems or opportunities by exposing to new information or results
* tool helps decision makers in recognizing upcoming problems for which solutions have been developed previously
* tool allows decision maker to actively create new knowledge when faced with a new problem and to develop novel solutions
* tool allows decision maker to capture knowledge, making it available to decision makers who are seeking solutions from previously solved problems
=== System origin ===
=== System origin ===

Revision as of 19:30, 27 August 2010

General System description

System name: Map Atmosphere Plant Soil System

Acronym: MAPSS

Brief overview

MAPSS (Mapped Atmosphere-Plant-Soil System) is a landscape- to global-scale vegetation distribution model that was developed to simulate the potential biosphere impacts and biosphere-atmosphere feedbacks from climatic change.

Scope of the system

System origin

MAPSS was originally developed in the early 1990's by Ron Neilson at the Environmental Protection Agency laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon; and he subsequently refined it after moving to the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Laboratory. It was developed as a response to the need for a process-based capability to simulate the potential changes in the distribution of the world's major biotic regions under climate change. The MAPSS model was constructed under a philosophy of ecosystem constraints and it combines a process-based water balance model with a physiologically conceived rule-based model to simulate both thermal and water balance constraints on vegetation life-form (e.g., tree. shrub, or grass: evergreen or deciduous: broadleaf or needleleaf) and biome physiognomy (e.g., forest. savanna, or shrub-steppe). The fundamental assumption under which MAPSS calculates water-limited vegetation type and density is that the vegetation leaf area will find a maximum that just utilizes the available soil water. Fire has been incorporated in the MAPSS model as a disturbance factor that can alter the equilibrium state of the ecosystem. Grass-tree competition has also been incorporated in the model.

MAPSS has been used as a research tool and has not been developed as a commercial product. MAPSS was used in the second assessment of the the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for regional and global assessments of climate change impacts on vegetation, and was also included in the Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP).

Support for specific issues

MAPSS has been used for predictions of biome redistribution, habitat loss and migration rates, changes in forest productivity, changes in surface runoff, and changes in forest stress areas under different scenarios of climate change.

Support for specific thematic areas of a problem type

  • Silvicultural
  • Certification
  • Conservation
  • Restoration
  • Transportation
  • Development choices / land use zoning
  • Policy/intervention alternatives
  • Sustainability impact assessment (SIA)

Capability to support decision making phases

(NOTE I do not quite know what to do with this, as I do not understand it myself, although it seems related to system use)

(Click here to see a more detailed explanation)

  • Intelligence (+ explicit description of the support given by the DSS)
  • Design (+ explicit description of the support given by the DSS)
  • Choice (+ explicit description of the support given by the DSS)
  • Monitor (+ explicit description of the support given by the DSS)

Related systems

Describe (and/or link to) other systems related

Data and data models

Typical spatial extent of application

MAPSS has been run globally at a half degree grid and over the conterminous United States at a half degree and at a 10 kilometer grid.

Forest data input

For input MAPSS requires: 12-month average climate data (precipitation, temperature, wind, vapor pressure). Soil data for 3 depths (%sand, %clay, %rockiness).

As output MAPSS produces maps of vegetation type, leaf area index, and surface runoff (more to be listed).

Type of information input from user (via GUI)

Describe what is the information that the user directly inputs in the system if any): expert knowledge, opinion, goals and production objectives, preferences, stand/site information....


Forest models

Growth, Yield, Carbon, Wood quality, biodiversity and habitat suitability, environmental and external effects (fire, storms, pests, diseases, climate change, etc)

Social models

historical and cultural values of sites, values due to peace and quiet, esthetic values, values due to recreational activities, ethical values): E. g. Recreation, Health, Game

Decision Support

Definition of management interventions

Define what is available for the manager to intervene in the forest: time of harvest, plantations, thinnings, reconversions... Existence of prescription writer, simple enumeration of all possibilities, scenario simulation , etc.

Typical temporal scale of application

Define the temporal scale of the application: E.g., operational and immediate level, Tactical planning (short term) and strategic level.

Types of decisions supported

  • Management level
    • strategic decisions
    • administrative decisions
    • operating control decisions
  • Management function
  • planning decisions
    • organizing decisions
    • command decisions
    • control decisions
    • coordination decisions
  • decision making situation
    • unilateral
    • collegial
    • Bargaining / participative decision making

Decision-making processes and models

  • Logic modeling
  • Operations research modeling
    • Direct approaches
    • Heuristic manipulation of simulation models
  • Business modeling
  • Simulation (with and without stochasticity)
  • Multiple criteria/ranking
  • Other


Types of outputs

Types of outputs produced (tables, maps, 3-D visualizations, pre-programmed summaries, etc)

Spatial analysis capabilities

  • integrated capabilities
  • facilitates links to GIS (wizards, etc.)
  • provides standard data import/export formats
  • allows spatial analysis (e.g. topology overlays (e.g. multi layering of different maps, selection of objects based on selection criteria, aggregation by attributes (e.g. areas of similar characteristics), Linking by logical means, Statistics by area, analysis with digital terrain model)

Abilities to address interdisciplinary, multi-scaled, and political issues

Evaluate interactions between different basic information types (biophysical, economic, social). Produce coordinated results for decision makers operating at different spatial scales facilitate social negotiation and learning


System requirements

  • Operating Systems: (Windows, Macintosh, Linux/UNIX, Web-based, Others)
  • Other software needed (GIS, MIP packages, etc...)
  • Development status

Architecture and major DSS components

Describe the basic architecture of the system in software and hardware. Desktop client-server, web based, as well as the integration with available systems. Basic data flow, focusing on retrieval of required input and propagation and implementations of decisions. Mention its modular and scalability capabilities.


Describe the level of use: Research level use, Industry use, Government use

Computational limitations

Describe the system limitations: e.g. number of management units, number of vehicles, time horizon

User interface

Describe the quality of user interface and the Prerequisite knowledge for using the system

Documentation and support

Describe the connection to Help-system and possibilities for assistance, as well as the required training and user support levels


  • Prerequisite knowledge: Level of effort to become functional
  • Cost: (purchase price, development costs, demonstrated return on investment, cost of use, training costs, licence and maintenance costs)
  • Demo: allows the download/utilization of a trial version. If yes, where is it available and what are the trial conditions.


Cited references

External resources