Italy-Assessing forest functions at stand scale in a sub-regional forest plan in the Dolomites

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Has flag
Has full name Assessing Forest Functions at Stand Scale in a sub-regional Forest Plan in the Dolomites
Has country Italy
Has location "Comunità Montana Cadore Longaronese Zoldo" - Veneto region - 46.27° N, 12.29° E
Has responsible organisation Comunità Montana Cadore Longaronese Zoldo
Has type of owner organization local administration
Has related DSS FORFUN
Has start date 2009
Has end date
Has DSS development stage use
Has decision stage intelligence, design, choice
Has temporal scale long term (strategic), medium term (tactical)
Has spatial context spatial with no neighbourhood interrelations
Has spatial scale stand level
Has decision making dimension more than one decision maker/stakeholder
Has objectives dimension multiple objectives
Has goods and services dimension market wood products, non-market services
Has working group theme Knowledge management, Participation
Has website
Has description FORFUN was applied to a landscape scale forest plan on a territory of seven municipalities in the southern part of the Italian Dolomites, covering 32,300 ha.

The use of FORFUN made possible the comparison of two scenarios, in turn not taking/taking into account the stakeholders' opinion on forest functions ranking. The two scenarios were presented to the stakeholders in a series of public meetings. Scenario A was completely rejected by the participants as it excluded the possibility of forest harvesting on half of the forest area including some compartments of high productive value. The reduction of the area with prevailing wild life conservation function as a result of the introduction of the weights from the questionnaire (Scenario B) made possible to start a discussion that led to the acceptance of such a scenario as a basis for planning. The agreement called for a clarification of some concepts about which there were significant misunderstandings and preconceptions: a) Prevailing function in a context of multifunctional management does not mean exclusive function. b) Conservation of nature is a concept clearly different from conservation of the landscape although there are some points of overlap. That distinction was not clear to many stakeholders that felt both concepts would lead to the same conclusions: heavy restrictions on the use of forests. c) The conservation of cultural landscape is the common goal for the management of protected areas and Natura 2000 sites. The expansion of forest on abandoned crops and pastures as well as the increase in stand density and growing stock created problems for the conservation of some habitats, causing the loss of grassland patches interspersed with wooded areas, the closure of clearings within stands critical for reproduction of endangered bird species (e.g. Tetrao urogallus L.), loss of stand structure diversity. Tackling this situation will require capillaries, continuous and cautious silvicultural treatments rather than their prohibition. The real conflict is between productive and protective function: 68% of woodland with a prevailing productive function has the direct protective functions as second in the ranking and the opposite is true for 45% of forest area with prevailing protective function. In about 5000 ha the scores of the two functions are practically identical.

Has reference - Corona P., Carraro G., Portoghesi L., Bertani R., Dissegna M., Ferrari B., Marchetti M., Fincati G., Alivernini A., Pianificazione forestale di indirizzo territoriale. Metodologia e applicazione sperimentale all’altopiano di Asiago. Regione del Veneto, Università della Tuscia, Piccoli Giganti Edizioni, Castrovillari, 2010.

- Portoghesi L., Alivernini A., Cimini D., Bertani R., Marchetti M., P. Corona P., 2013. FORFUN: a computerized tool to create a ranking of relative importance for forest functions at stand scale. (in press)

Has wiki contact person Luigi Portoghesi; Antonio Floris
Has wiki contact e-mail; antonio.floris@entecra.itURIs of the form ";" are not allowed.
Has DSS development Italy-Assessing forest functions at stand scale in a sub-regional forest plan in the Dolomites.Description of DSS development
Has decision support techniques Italy-Assessing forest functions at stand scale in a sub-regional forest plan in the Dolomites.Decision support techniques
Has knowledge management processes Italy-Assessing forest functions at stand scale in a sub-regional forest plan in the Dolomites.Knowledge management process
Has support for social participation Italy-Assessing forest functions at stand scale in a sub-regional forest plan in the Dolomites.Support of social participation