Expert System

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  • Description: Expert systems (or Knowledge-based system) are designed in such a way that a rulebase and an inference engine are interlinked to simulate the reasoning process that a human expert pursues in analyzing a problem and arriving at a conclusion. In these systems a vast amount of knowledge is stored in the knowledge base. The knowledge base could consist of "if then" statements that resemble the sequence of mental steps that are involved in the human reasoning process.
  • Examples for tools to develop an ES:NetWeaver;
  • The following DSS described in the WIKI are using an Expert System to analyse and apply knowledge:

DSSs using an Expert System to analyse and apply knowledgeHas full nameHas input data formatHas input data requirementsHas output data format
ClimChAlpWebbased decision support system to explore adaptation options for silviculture in secondary Norway spruce forests in Austria
DSDDecision Support Dobrova
PYLGISCAME (former: Pimp your landscape - PYL)