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Previous     Results 21 – 40    Next        (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
 CountryCase NameUses DSS
Case Study Literature DSS
Case Study Literature Methods
Case Study Technical Committee
Finland-Integrating wood quality considerations in landscape-level forest planning
Finland-Strategic planning at the national forest administration
Forest multi-decision maker regional planning at the Portuguese Chamusca County
Germany-Actor Network Theory to Understand Collaborative Decision Support Systems Development in Forest Management Practice
Germany-Using GISCAME to test alternative land-use scenarios under climate change in the Upper Elbe Valley
Great Britain The uptake of DSS in the forestry sector
Ireland-PractiSFM multi-resource inventory and decision support for private forest owners
Italy-A comprehensive system for forest management planning in Trentino Province
Italy-Analysis of logging residues chain for a sustainable bioenergy production in Alta Val di Non
Italy-Assessing forest functions at stand scale in a sub-regional forest plan in the Dolomites
Italy-ProgettoBosco a data-driven DSS for forest planning: an application in Abruzzo Region
Main Page
Natural Resources Planning in Metsähallitus
New Zealand-Modular Forest Management DSS in NZ
Participation in Tactical/operational forest planning in a Portuguese integrated Pulp and Paper Company
Participation in forest planning in Sardinia
Participation in forest planning in southern Italy
Previous     Results 21 – 40    Next        (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)