Modification date 17 September 2013 17:20:56
From COST Action FP0804: FORSYS
A list of all pages that have property "Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki." with value "17 September 2013 17:20:56".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Analysis at the landscape level allowed the integration of concerns about multiple resources as well + (17 September 2013 08:40:58)
- Stakeholders contribution in ranking forest functions + (17 September 2013 09:05:32)
- The software did not provide much support for formatting of the outputs in a format that could be + (17 September 2013 09:15:09)
- Running the DSS required special skills, therefore the local planning team required considerable + (17 September 2013 09:21:41)
- The DSS gave the forest manager the opportunity to experiment how their emphasis towards certain + (17 September 2013 09:27:58)
- DSS allowed to explain better some technical concepts to non-professional stakeholders + (17 September 2013 09:31:24)
- Visualization of the preliminary actor network made the people explicity include the DSS in a planning process + (17 September 2013 09:42:06)
- Use of the DSS has been considered successful by the participating organizations, even though it has + (17 September 2013 09:43:46)
- Case-Lessons with WG2 subthemes + (17 September 2013 17:18:36)
- The definition of standardized and specific criteria for selecting and zoning forest compartment + (17 September 2013 17:19:41)
- DSS can help in varying the treatment according to more than one forest function + (17 September 2013 17:20:56)
- To compare the current and the past quantitative-qualitative parameters of the forest, great effort + (17 September 2013 17:22:12)
- The fact that ProgettoBosco is conceived according to the criteria and indicators of sustainable + (17 September 2013 17:22:37)
- From a management perspective, to avoid the complication of testing something new, the models used + (17 September 2013 17:23:20)
- Need of flexibilization of analytical tools - no overdesigned tool that provides too much features for the use + (17 September 2013 17:24:14)
- Forest managers have to analyze how their forest management interventions effect the landscape + (17 September 2013 17:25:15)
- Case Studies Analysis + (17 September 2013 18:11:12)
- Case-Lessons with WG1 subthemes + (17 September 2013 18:13:09)
- Case-Lessons with WG3 subthemes + (17 September 2013 18:14:07)
- Case-Lessons with WG4 subthemes + (17 September 2013 18:15:33)
- Wiki Semantic structure - DSS descriptions Workplan2013 + (20 September 2013 10:13:06)