Umea 2013 Wiki WorkshopA
Exercise: produce your own question for the Umea FAQ
- Discover the wiki content
- DSS descriptions, Case Studies and Lessons Learned documentation
- Check for the properties likely to be useful for querying
- Formulate your question > see below the wiki basic concepts and examples of questions
- Create a wiki page about your question > see the following example Question: Which DSSs were developed by large team of people
- Produce the semantic query > semantic search
- Copy the query in your wiki page > choose the option "Show embed code" rights to the button "Find results" at the bottom of the page
- Add some explanations / comments (why this query, for whom is it relevant, what about the results, why relevant?) > see the wikimarkup quick reference or a more detailed help
Wiki basic concepts
Wiki page
> Basic unit of a wiki, shared knowledge about a concept
> Content:
- Text + resources (e.g., images)
- Formatting > highlight important aspects (bold), list of items, table
- Structure > organise the content of a wiki page in sections; e.g.: =header of main level=
- Hyperlink > link to other wiki pages or outside of the wiki; e.g.: =[[main page]] [[]]=
> Classification of wiki pages
> Markup: [[Category:category name]]
> Example: [[Category:DSS]] ... means: the wiki page belongs to the category DSS
> Formalisation of some specific aspects of the content of a wiki page (basically single words or combinations thereof)
> Markup: [[property name::value]]
> Example: [[has country::Sweden]] ... means: the wiki page is characterised by the fact that it is related to Sweden
Semantic search
> semantic queries to select wiki pages
> Tool: semantic search wiki page
Example with category: [[Category:DSS]]
Result: all DSSs, respectively a list of all wiki pages with the category „DSS“
Example with property: [[has country::Sweden]]
Result: all wiki pages related to Sweden, respectively a list of all wiki pages with the property „has country“ and the value „Sweden“ for this property
Example with category and property: [[Category:DSS]] [[has country::Sweden]]
Result: all DSSs related to Sweden, respectively a list of all wiki pages with the category „DSS“, as well as the property „has country“ and the value „Sweden“
Example with subqueries > semantic sub-queries to search across interconnected wiki pages [[property 2::value of property 2]]
Automatic search procedure:
- Select all wiki pages with property 2 and the target value(s) of property 2
- Select all wiki pages with property 1 and at least a selected wiki page of step 1 as value of property 1
Precondition: value type of property 1 is wiki page
Example: [[has country.has forest area::>1000000 ha]]
Result: All wiki pages related to a country whose forest area is larger than 1’000’000 ha, respectively all wiki pages with the property „has country“ with a value that points to a wiki page, which has the property “has forest area” and a value for this property that is higher than 1’000’000 ha.
Some examples of questions
Which DSSs were developed by a team of at least 5 people?
Query: [[Category:DSS]][[Has DSS development.Has development team size::>5]]
Results: CONES, EFIMOD, EMDS, ETÇAP, EcologicalSiteClassification, LEaRNForME, PYL, ProgettoBosco, SIPAFIT, TestDSS, ToSIA
Embed code {{#ask:[[Category:DSS]][[Has DSS development.Has development team size::>5]] |format=list |limit=20 |offset=0 }}
Which DSSs support the process of evaluating options?
Query: [[Category:DSS]][[Has support for social participation.Has participatory planning task::Evaluating options]]
Which DSSs support the process of evaluating options at forest and strategic level?
Query: [[Category:DSS]][[Has support for social participation.Has participatory planning task::Evaluating options]][[Has temporal scale::Long term (strategic)]][[Has spatial scale::Forest level]]
Results: EFIMOD, EMDS, Heureka, PEB, PLANFLOR, WIS.2
List of questions elaborated during the workshop
Overview on the dedicated category page Category:Umea 2013 Question
Query: [[Category:Umea 2013 Question]]
Results: DSS for ecosystem services, Question: DSS Commercial Product, Question: DSS with forest indicators, Question: For which kind of use cases DSS are used for, Question: Question: Which DSSs use Stochastic programming, Question: Which DSS has strategic temporal scale, Question: Which DSSs have spatial context, Question: Which DSSs have technical documentation, Question: Which DSSs support multiple objectives, Question: Which DSSs support the process of evaluating options, Question: Which DSSs were developed by Sweden, Question: Which DSSs were developed by large team of people, Question: Which DSSs were developed in Italy, Question: Which LessonsLearned has spatial scale of stand level, Question: Which cases are currently active, Which kinds of DSS focus on landscape quality, Which lessons are about knowledge management