Property:Has DSS development stage

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This is a property of type Page.

What DSS development stages are addressed

The allowed values for this property are:

Adoption, Design, Development, Dissemination, Installation, Specification, Testing, Update, Use

Pages using the property "Has DSS development stage"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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It would have been better to involve some end users at earlier stages of the system development +Specification  +
Italy-A comprehensive system for forest management planning in Trentino Province +Use  +, Update  +
Italy-Analysis of logging residues chain for a sustainable bioenergy production in Alta Val di Non +Use  +, Update  +
Italy-Assessing forest functions at stand scale in a sub-regional forest plan in the Dolomites +Use  +
Italy-ProgettoBosco a data-driven DSS for forest planning: an application in Abruzzo Region +Use  +, Update  +


Lack of proper documentation and support services (manual, website, etc) can severely limit the +Use  +


Metodology and results are transparent and easy-to-share to non-expert stakeholders +Use  +
Model building was rapid, it was assembling the data that took by far the most time +Use  +


Need of a moderator function +Use  +
Need of flexibilization of analytical tools - no overdesigned tool that provides too much features for the use +Specification  +, Use  +
New Zealand-Modular Forest Management DSS in NZ +Development  +, Update  +


Pareto Frontier Techniques are useful for multi-criteria forest management planning +Use  +
Portugal-A Decision Support System for eucalypt forest management under climate change scenarios +Use  +
Portugal-Developing a collaborative management plan for the NIFP in Vale do Sousa +Development  +
Portugal-Supporting a multi stakeholders decision process in a Portuguese National Forest +Development  +, Use  +
Projection of stand development increases knowledge base +Use  +
Provide procedures and structure for complete data flow +Specification  +, Design  +
Providing procedures and structure for data flow from selection of field sample, performing field +Specification  +


Regular ongoing engagement helped maintain interest of users +Use  +
Requirement of specialized skills can discourage some potential users +Use  +
Results are always strongly dependent on the quality of the underlying data +Use  +
Running the DSS required special skills, therefore the local planning team required considerable +Use  +


SIPAFIT can act sometimes as a referee to settle arguments among experts, users and stakeholders +Use  +
SIPAFIT sub-systems have been useful in training activities, and can be very useful to explain and +Use  +
Spain-An agro-ecological Decision Support Systems for evaluting soil under scenarios of global change +Use  +, Update  +
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