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From COST Action FP0804: FORSYS
A a test lesson +
, Adapting the software to make it possible to easily include also the output of other mechanistic +
, As the core of forest DSS are models describing the development of trees and stands (growth and +
, Embedding a DSS in a GIS software allows obtaining information at different spatial scales using the +
, Enabling the analyses of several ecosystem services +
, Enlarge the decision space by generating a large set of potential management alternatives +
, Metodology and results are transparent and easy-to-share to non-expert stakeholders +
, Modular approach helpful in assisting industry uptake +
, Operational aspects of the system should be enhanced +
, Plan the system architecture based on a broad view of future possibilities +
, Provide a simple version of the DSS, which new users can try out and learn quickly +
, Provide procedures and structure for complete data flow +
, Providing procedures and structure for data flow from selection of field sample, performing field +
, Spatial variation between regions led to the development of different regional models, which led to +
, The DSS models built must match the knowledge of the local forest managers, so the ability for local +
, The adoption of the collaborative learning method made possible to gradually select the conceptual +
, The choice to develop the system in an Excel environment was based on the status of computer +
Has domain
Adapting the software to make it possible to easily include also the output of other mechanistic +
, Embedding a DSS in a GIS software allows obtaining information at different spatial scales using the +
, Modular approach helpful in assisting industry uptake +
, Operational aspects of the system should be enhanced +
, Plan the system architecture based on a broad view of future possibilities +
, The DSS models built must match the knowledge of the local forest managers, so the ability for local +
, The adoption of the collaborative learning method made possible to gradually select the conceptual +
, The choice to develop the system in an Excel environment was based on the status of computer +