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From COST Action FP0804: FORSYS
Austria.83 +
, Brazil-DSS usage at a company combining both short rotation plantations and natural forest management in their operation +
, Brazil-DSS usage on short rotation eucalyptus pulp wood plantations +
, Brazil-DSS usage on sustainable natural forest management in the Amazon basin +
, Brazil-DSS usage on teak plantation +
, Canada.75 +
, Chile.122 +
, Chile.124 +
, Chile.84 +
, Denmark.75 +
, EMDS +
, EcologicalSiteClassification +
, Estonia.124 +
, Estonia.76 +
, Estonia.77 +
, Finland.122 +
, Finland.24 +
, ForestGales +
, Germany.120 +
… |
Has temporal scale