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From COST Action FP0804: FORSYS
A a test lesson +
, Biomasfor allows to obtain information at different spatial scale +
, Model building was rapid, it was assembling the data that took by far the most time +
, Modular approach helpful in assisting industry uptake +
, Provide a simple version of the DSS, which new users can try out and learn quickly +
, Provide procedures and structure for complete data flow +
, Providing procedures and structure for data flow from selection of field sample, performing field +
, Requirement of specialized skills can discourage some potential users +
, Results are always strongly dependent on the quality of the underlying data +
, SIPAFIT can act sometimes as a referee to settle arguments among experts, users and stakeholders +
, SIPAFIT sub-systems have been useful in training activities, and can be very useful to explain and +
, The definition of standardized and specific criteria for selecting and zoning forest compartment +
, The scope of the modeling project can change significantly during the project +
, The user has to be aware of the possibly large impact that the chosen land indicators and threshold +
, To compare the current and the past quantitative-qualitative parameters of the forest, great effort +
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