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(Exercise: produce your own question for the Umea FAQ)
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==Exercise: produce your own question for the Umea FAQ==
==Exercise: produce your own question for the Umea FAQ==
# Discover the wiki content  
# Discover the wiki content  
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# Formulate your question > see below the [[Umea_2013_Wiki_Workshop#Wiki_basic_concepts | wiki basic concepts]] and [[Umea_2013_Wiki_Workshop#Some_examples_of_questions | examples of questions]]
# Formulate your question > see below the [[Umea_2013_Wiki_Workshop#Wiki_basic_concepts | wiki basic concepts]] and [[Umea_2013_Wiki_Workshop#Some_examples_of_questions | examples of questions]]
# Create a wiki page about your question > see the following example [[Question: Which DSSs were developed by large team of people]]
# Create a wiki page about your question > see the following example [[Question: Which DSSs were developed by large team of people]]
## In your page code, include the category code <nowiki>[[Category: Umea 2013 Question]]</nowiki>
# Produce the semantic query > [[Special:Ask | semantic search]]
# Produce the semantic query > [[Special:Ask | semantic search]]
# Copy the query in your wiki page
# Copy the query in your wiki page > choose the option "Show embed code" rights to the button "Find results" at the bottom of the page
# Add some explanations / comments (why this query, for whom is it relevant, what about the results, why relevant?) > see the wiki markups: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Wiki_markup | more detailed help
# Add some explanations / comments (why this query, for whom is it relevant, what about the results, why relevant?) > see the [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/Welcome2WP_English_Flap_081810.pdf  wikimarkup quick reference] or a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Wiki_markup more detailed help]
== Wiki basic concepts ==
== Wiki basic concepts ==
Line 27: Line 28:
> Example: <nowiki>[[Category:DSS]]</nowiki> ... means: the wiki page belongs to the category DSS
> Example: <nowiki>[[Category:DSS]]</nowiki> ... means: the wiki page belongs to the category DSS
> Formalisation of some specific aspects of the content of a wiki page (basically single words or combinations thereof)
> Formalisation of some specific aspects of the content of a wiki page (basically single words or combinations thereof)
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===Which DSSs support the process of evaluating options at forest and strategic level?===
===Which DSSs support the process of evaluating options at forest and strategic level?===
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[[Has spatial scale::Forest level]]
[[Has spatial scale::Forest level]]
===Which case studies involve DSS development?===
Query: <nowiki> [[Category:Case]][[Has working group theme::Dss development process]]
[[Has working group theme::Dss development process]]
===Which lessons are about participation?===
Query: <nowiki> [[Category:Lesson]][[Has working group theme::Participation]]
[[Has working group theme::Participation]]
===What is an example of a page?===
Query: <nowiki> [[Category:Lesson]][[Has working group theme::Participation]]
{{#ask:[[Category:Has spatial scale]]

Latest revision as of 22:18, 6 July 2013

Exercise: produce your own question for the Umea FAQ

  1. Discover the wiki content
    1. DSS descriptions, Case Studies and Lessons Learned documentation
    2. Check for the properties likely to be useful for querying
  2. Formulate your question > see below the wiki basic concepts and examples of questions
  3. Create a wiki page about your question > see the following example Question: Which DSSs were developed by large team of people
    1. In your page code, include the category code [[Category: Umea 2013 Question]]
  4. Produce the semantic query > semantic search
  5. Copy the query in your wiki page > choose the option "Show embed code" rights to the button "Find results" at the bottom of the page
  6. Add some explanations / comments (why this query, for whom is it relevant, what about the results, why relevant?) > see the wikimarkup quick reference or a more detailed help

Wiki basic concepts

Wiki page

> Basic unit of a wiki, shared knowledge about a concept

> Content:

  • Text + resources (e.g., images)
  • Formatting > highlight important aspects (bold), list of items, table
  • Structure > organise the content of a wiki page in sections; e.g.: =header of main level=
  • Hyperlink > link to other wiki pages or outside of the wiki; e.g.: =[[main page]] [[http://www.forestdss.org]]=


> Classification of wiki pages

> Markup: [[Category:category name]]

> Example: [[Category:DSS]] ... means: the wiki page belongs to the category DSS


> Formalisation of some specific aspects of the content of a wiki page (basically single words or combinations thereof)

> Markup: [[property name::value]]

> Example: [[has country::Sweden]] ... means: the wiki page is characterised by the fact that it is related to Sweden

Semantic search

> semantic queries to select wiki pages

> Tool: semantic search wiki page

Example with category: [[Category:DSS]]

Result: all DSSs, respectively a list of all wiki pages with the category „DSS“

Example with property: [[has country::Sweden]]

Result: all wiki pages related to Sweden, respectively a list of all wiki pages with the property „has country“ and the value „Sweden“ for this property

Example with category and property: [[Category:DSS]] [[has country::Sweden]]

Result: all DSSs related to Sweden, respectively a list of all wiki pages with the category „DSS“, as well as the property „has country“ and the value „Sweden“

Example with subqueries > semantic sub-queries to search across interconnected wiki pages [[property 1.property 2::value of property 2]]

Automatic search procedure:

  1. Select all wiki pages with property 2 and the target value(s) of property 2
  2. Select all wiki pages with property 1 and at least a selected wiki page of step 1 as value of property 1

Precondition: value type of property 1 is wiki page

Example: [[has country.has forest area::>1000000 ha]]

Result: All wiki pages related to a country whose forest area is larger than 1’000’000 ha, respectively all wiki pages with the property „has country“ with a value that points to a wiki page, which has the property “has forest area” and a value for this property that is higher than 1’000’000 ha.

Some examples of questions

Which DSSs were developed by a team of at least 5 people?

Query: [[Category:DSS]][[Has DSS development.Has development team size::>5]]

Results: CONES, EFIMOD, EMDS, ETÇAP, EcologicalSiteClassification, LEaRNForME, PYL, ProgettoBosco, SIPAFIT, TestDSS, ToSIA

Embed code {{#ask:[[Category:DSS]][[Has DSS development.Has development team size::>5]] |format=list |limit=20 |offset=0 }}

Which DSSs support the process of evaluating options?

Query: [[Category:DSS]][[Has support for social participation.Has participatory planning task::Evaluating options]]


Which DSSs support the process of evaluating options at forest and strategic level?

Query: [[Category:DSS]][[Has support for social participation.Has participatory planning task::Evaluating options]][[Has temporal scale::Long term (strategic)]][[Has spatial scale::Forest level]]

Results: EFIMOD, EMDS, Heureka, PEB, PLANFLOR, WIS.2

Which case studies involve DSS development?

Query: [[Category:Case]][[Has working group theme::Dss development process]]

Results: Belgium-Participative modelling of long-term wood production in the forest complex ‘Bosland’, Germany-Using GISCAME to test alternative land-use scenarios under climate change in the Upper Elbe Valley, Ireland-PractiSFM multi-resource inventory and decision support for private forest owners, Italy-ProgettoBosco a data-driven DSS for forest planning: an application in Abruzzo Region, New Zealand-Modular Forest Management DSS in NZ, Portugal-A Decision Support System for eucalypt forest management under climate change scenarios, Portugal-Pulpwood Supply Chain Planning in a Portuguese integrated Pulp and Paper Company, Spain-An agro-ecological Decision Support Systems for evaluting soil under scenarios of global change, Sweden-The development and introduction of versatile DSS in Sweden, Sweden-The history of a successfull forest DSS in Sweden

Which lessons are about participation?

Query: [[Category:Lesson]][[Has working group theme::Participation]]

Results: A more informative output should be generated with clear graphs and maps indicating long-term, An iterative process of presenting results to subject matter experts enabled them to better, DSS allowed to explain better some technical concepts to non-professional stakeholders, DSS helped document and apply decision criteria consistently, and therefore produced a more, End user engagement throughout the development and deployment cycle is very important, Getting joint funding from both the forest and environmental sectors can be a successfull for, Group participation with knowledgeable people is a good way to ensure that the decision hierarchy is, Interpretative case studies can help reduce the gap between research and practice, It would have been better to involve some end users at earlier stages of the system development, Need of a moderator function, Running the DSS required special skills, therefore the local planning team required considerable, SIPAFIT can act sometimes as a referee to settle arguments among experts, users and stakeholders, SIPAFIT sub-systems have been useful in training activities, and can be very useful to explain and, Spatial variation between regions led to the development of different regional models, which led to, Stakeholders contribution in ranking forest functions, Students studying forest management planning procedures and processes were very useful product testers, The DSS gave the forest manager the opportunity to experiment how their emphasis towards certain, The DSS models built must match the knowledge of the local forest managers, so the ability for local, The ProgettoBosco working methodology, based on cooperation, successive approximations and, The activation of an iterative process through periodical meetings permitted to all the stakeholders … further results

What is an example of a page?

Query: [[Category:Lesson]][[Has working group theme::Participation]]


List of questions elaborated during the workshop

Overview on the dedicated category page Category:Umea 2013 Question

Query: [[Category:Umea 2013 Question]]

Results: DSS for ecosystem services, Question: DSS Commercial Product, Question: DSS with forest indicators, Question: For which kind of use cases DSS are used for, Question: Question: Which DSSs use Stochastic programming, Question: Which DSS has strategic temporal scale, Question: Which DSSs have spatial context, Question: Which DSSs have technical documentation, Question: Which DSSs support multiple objectives, Question: Which DSSs support the process of evaluating options, Question: Which DSSs were developed by Sweden, Question: Which DSSs were developed by large team of people, Question: Which DSSs were developed in Italy, Question: Which LessonsLearned has spatial scale of stand level, Question: Which cases are currently active, Which kinds of DSS focus on landscape quality, Which lessons are about knowledge management