Property:Has statement

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Statement, findings

Pages using the property "Has statement"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Group participation with knowledgeable people is a good way to ensure that the decision hierarchy is +Group participation with knowledgeable people is a good way to ensure that the decision hierarchy is a logical and complete structure  +
Growth and Yield models are a key component of forest DSS +Projection of stand development increases knowledge base. The use of growth and yield models to provide information about the stand development is key for improving decission making.  +


Interpretative case studies can help reduce the gap between research and practice +Interpretative case studies can help reduce the gap between research and practice  +
It is necessary to know which data will be use as variables in the models before designing the DSS +It is necessary to know which data will be use as variables in the models before designing the DSS  +
It should be possible to specify the rotation time of a species not only by age but also by target +It should be possible to specify the rotation time of a species not only by age but also by target DBH.  +
It would have been better to involve some end users at earlier stages of the system development +It would have been better to involve some end users at earlier stages of the system development;  +


Lack of proper documentation and support services (manual, website, etc) can severely limit the +Lack of proper documentation and support services (manual, website, etc) can severely limit the adoption of the system in real-life applications.  +


Metodology and results are transparent and easy-to-share to non-expert stakeholders +The use of structured output like maps, tables and charts, makes the methodology and the results more transparent and easy-to-share to non-expert stakeholders.  +
Model building was rapid, it was assembling the data that took by far the most time +Model building was rapid, it was assembling the data that took by far the most time  +
Modular approach helpful in assisting industry uptake +A modular approach was helpful in assisting industry uptake by allowing the use of parts of the system.  +
Multiple DSS are often needed to meet complex needs +Multiple DSS are often needed to meet complex needs: separate models were needed to handle the strategic (Spectrum) and tactical (RELM) aspects of planning; a simulation approach (VDDT) was also done to provide an alternative view.  +


Need for new models for the later use of a tool +Need for new models for the later use of a tool - either as consulting instrument or in extended science-practice cooperation  +
Need of a moderator function +Need of a moderator function - "the user as such" does per se not exist, but by doing a participatory development of a tool, trust in its results is created by "consumers" of its analytical results, but the researcher as such should mostly do the analysis him- or herself  +
Need of flexibilization of analytical tools - no overdesigned tool that provides too much features for the use +Need flexible analytical tools - no "overdesigned" tool that provides too much features for the use  +
Neighbourhood interrelations should be included in the generator +Neighbourhood interrelations should be included in the generator.  +


Operational aspects of the system should be enhanced +Operational aspects of the system should be enhanced: client-server application, internal control on consistency, etc  +


Pareto Frontier Techniques are useful for multi-criteria forest management planning +Pareto Frontier Techniques are useful for multi-criteria forest management planning. The method provides information about non-dominated points in the feasible set so that decision-makers may take advantage of trade-off information among different criteria. This method does not need a priori  +
Plan the system architecture based on a broad view of future possibilities +Plan the system architecture based on a broad view of future possibilities rather than the ad hoc needs of particular funded projects  +
Projection of stand development increases knowledge base +Projection of stand development increases knowledge base  +
Provide a simple version of the DSS, which new users can try out and learn quickly +Provide a simple version of the DSS, which new users can try out and learn quickly  +
Provide missing help-documentation service +Provide help/documentation service  +
Provide procedures and structure for complete data flow +Provide procedures and structure for complete data flow  +
Providing procedures and structure for data flow from selection of field sample, performing field +Providing procedures and structure for data flow from selection of field sample, performing field survey and entering data into the DSS proved to be a successful approach.  +


Regular ongoing engagement helped maintain interest of users +Regular ongoing engagement with via “Users group” helped maintain interest of users and contributing scientists.  +
Requirement of specialized skills can discourage some potential users +Although Biomasfor use is easy and flexible, working under an external sw environment like GRASS GIS required some specialized skills which could discourage some potential users.  +
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